Page 25 - Futures Money Machine-Study Session #2
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2002 - CME becomes first U.S. exchange to go public; stock is listed on New York Stock Exchange
2003 - CBOT agrees to have CME Clearing clear its products, resulting in extensive capital efficiencies for market participants
2005 - CBOT demutualizes and becomes publicly traded company, listed on New York Stock Exchange
2006 - CBOT and CME sign an agreement to merge into a single company pending regulatory and shareholder approval CBOT launches electronic agricultural futures trading Launch of
NYMEX products on CME Globex CME and Reuters agree to form first centrally cleared global FX platform for OTC market—FXMarketSpace
2007 - CME and CBOT officially merge to form CME Group Inc., the world’s leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace
2008 - CME Group acquires NYMEX, adding energy and metals to its wide array of product offerings
2008 - CME Group and BM&FBOVESPA, Latin America’s largest derivatives exchange, launch a landmark partnership that enables worldwide distribution of BM&F products on CME Globex
2009 - CME Group completes its New York trading floor integration, a key milestone following its 2008 acquisition of NYMEX. The integration included the reconfiguration of the energy
trading floor and combining the energy and metals futures and options trading rings onto one trading floor
2010 - CME Group’s Global Command Center opens. The 35,000 square foot facility, located at CME Group headquarters, brings the Globex Control Center, Technology Operations and all
other critical support teams together in one space
2011 - CME Group continues to make global advancements by opening its 10th global office in Seoul, South Korea
2011 – CME Group Launches European clearing services via CME Clearing Europe
2012 - CME Group Co-Location Services, comprised of hosting, connectivity and support services, successfully launches at its data center, allowing for the lowest latency connection
possible for all CME Group Globex products
2012 - KCBT becomes part of CME Group, bringing together the KCBT suite of hard red winter wheat products with the deep and liquid CBOT soft red winter wheat products
2013 - KCBT Wheat is cleared on CME Clearing
2013 - KCBT Trading Floor closes and relocates to the CBOT Trading Floor