Page 3 - ART Study Manual
P. 3

® “Home-Study Course” Study Manual           Page 3


Trading System Rates Of Return Are Meaningless

There are many trading systems on the market today. Some trading
companies will boast fabulous returns and provide examples. How
disappointing it is for a trader to find that even when they buy that
system, those fabulous returns are usually un-obtainable.

Just about every system can work profitably over an isolated period of
time. It is consistency that counts. That can be misleading too. Why?
Because every trader will trade the same system differently based on
their own unique personality. Each trader will produce different
returns on the same system. For these reasons, does
not state rates of return or performance results for the ART® system.

Instead, ART® will focus on solid money management, trading
psychology, and a trading system that makes sense. We want you to
concentrate on developing your trading skills so you can see how your
own performance has the unlimited potential to improve. We’ll give
you the “tools” of the trade. The rest is up to you!

While ART® will teach you how to trade the “Realities” of the market,
another aspect of the “Applied Reality Trading®” program lies in its
flexibility. You can tailor ART® in accordance with your beliefs and
personality. This means you can design your own ART® trading
approach. This can be a powerful force.


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