Page 9 - Trading #101 Course – PART II TWO: SUCCESSFUL TRADING PIE –
P. 9


                   5.) Practice until profitable. Analyze your paper-trading results and adjust until you
                       are profitable, and feel good about your trading.

                   6.) Have three profitable lots of 25 trades. Before trading with real money, be sure
                       you have a total of three profitable consecutive profitable lots of 25 trades each
                       while paper trading. And if you’re a day trader, be sure to have spread your day
                       trading over enough days, weeks, or months so you experienced up trending,
                       down trending, and bracketed markets. You can achieve this by using a play-
                       back feature that is available on some front-end charting platforms.

                   7.) Keep trading in lots of 25 trades. When trading with real money, keep using
                       the 25-trade lot size to analyze your profit/loss, win/loss, and so on to see how
                       you are doing.

                   8.) Reevaluate your approach. If you are not profitable trading with real money
                       after trading one lot of 25 trades, stop trading and go back to paper trading again.
                       If you are immediately profitable paper trading, then chances are your
                       psychology is the problem and you may need some additional help from a trading
                       coach to uncover your psychological sabotage issues. But if your paper trading is
                       not immediately profitable this time, then you may have just been lucky the first
                       time and did not paper trade long enough to experience the different types of
                       market cycles. Your trading approach needs to be adjusted. Until you have a
                       qualified trading approach as proven through how you paper trade, then you will
                       not know if your problem lies in your trading approach or if your problem is with
                       your psychology.

                   9.) Experiencing draw-down. If you experience six consecutive losing trades
                       and/or a draw-down of more than 15 percent, the market cycle or volatility in the
                       market and time frame you are trading has probably changed. You must adapt
                       quickly and effectively to these changes.

                   10.)       During an excessive draw-down, follow these steps. (1) Stop trading
                       with real money. Keep trading the same market and time frame and go back to
                       paper trading. Wait until you have three winning lots of 25 paper trades before
                       trading with real money again. (2) Adjust your rules to see if doing so eliminates
                       the losses you incurred in your recent draw-down. If so, paper trade again to
                       validate your adjustments. (3) Change time frames until you find the time frame
                       that is working the best.

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