Page 110 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 110

Pullela Gopichand in his lecture talked about     His personal journey from the year 1991-2000 was
                his own journey as well as some future ideas for   traumatic, where he valiantly battled two grave
                supporting sports.                                knee injuries and yet managed to win some major

                He was introduced to sports after moving to       titles including the All England Championship. He
                Hyderabad in 1985.  He began with cricket and     believes that competing with oneself is what will
                slowly drifted to tennis and finally settled on   bring out the best in oneself.
                badminton  which  his  parents  thought  to  be  an   Gradually, his body was giving way due to multiple
                affordable game, as the parking lot was completely   injuries and that was the starting point of the
                empty.  At that time, his aim was to be a state   coaching journey in  2004 with 25 children.  He
                champion. His hard work and determination paid    had to face dejection at every point for funding
                off. He was determined to start practice early and   and setting  up of his academy which  ultimately
                finish late and thus he won the State Championship.   resulted in him mortgaging his Jubilee Hill house
                In the year 1991, after winning the Junior National   in Hyderabad for Rs.3 crore. According to him,
                championship and landing himself a job in Tata    “One has to risk what one has and ultimate hard
                Steel, he finally found a clear path for himself, i.e   work matters, where one has to go beyond one’s
                to become a sportsperson. He shared that being    boundaries”, because sports is not only about
                born in a family where the other sibling is from an   excellence and medals, it’s about the spirit and the
                IIT, it takes a huge amount of determination and   pride that comes with it.
                support to achieve this feat of pursuing sports.

                In the first international match in Malaysia, the
                Indian  Badminton  Contingent  lost  in the  first
                round.  The Indians could not stand up to the
                aggression and techniques of the Chinese players.
                He believes one of his key points to success is
                the kid that is still alive in him who believes that
                winning is possible. Adding to which, he narrated
                an incident from his initial days where in a whole
                room of demotivated people, he stayed optimistic
                with a winning rage in him.
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