Page 36 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 36

India: Prospects and Challenges by  Dr. Raghuram   Access to input and output markets –  The ease
                G. Rajan                                          of access to resources plays a vital role in new
                                                                  players  entering  a market.  At the  same time,  the
                Dr. Raghuram Rajan spoke about creating a         ability to access new markets and tap into new
                sustainable small and medium scale enterprise     customer bases is necessary for businesses to grow.
                environment in Odisha. He said job creation is a   Infrastructural development plays a key role for
                by-product of these small enterprises growing     the small and medium scale enterprises to access
                into big enterprises and he talked about the policy   resources and reach out to new markets. In the
                framework that is needed to create and sustain such   past few years, the internet has been a boon in this
                a scenario. He focussed on five aspects to facilitate   direction.
                the growth of small and medium                 scale
                businesses:                                       Marketing and quality control as inputs are
                                                                  extremely important for small enterprises and the
                Ease of entry and exit from market  – It is very   necessary certification can be done by state and
                important to make it easy for business to enter and   national entities along with self certification.
                exit a market. The constraints of the legal system
                and compliance policies prevent small businesses   Land use is an important element in ease of doing
                from growing and thus they remain informal. The   business and it must be made easy to acquire land
                current systems also make it harder for players   and process necessary documents for small and
                to exit and this needs to be addressed because it   medium enterprises.
                prevents competition, growth and improvement in
                the standards of products and services.

                It has been inferred that free enterprises can
                combat social biases and prejudices and allow for
                faster social improvement. He explained this with
                examples of economies where small enterprises
                have  a  chance  to  grow  faster  and  can  formally
                participate in the market. India is making an
                attempt at cleaning redundant policies in the last
                few years which will accelerate the creation and
                growth of small enterprises.
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