Page 14 - Lupin Employee Handbook and Supplements - July 2018
P. 14
Lupin Employee Handbook
For employees who are paid bi-weekly, they will be paid every other Friday for the pay period that
ends on the previous Sunday. For employees paid semi-monthly, standard pay days are on the 15th
and last day of the month. When a payday falls on a weekend, Company holiday, or bank holiday,
the paychecks will be issued on the preceding business day.
Paychecks may be directly deposited into your designated account(s) at your financial institution
upon your written authorization. Paystubs will be made available to employees who receive their
paycheck by direct deposit. If you do not choose direct deposit, your paycheck will be distributed
to you or mailed to your home address on file with the Company.
Employee payroll stubs itemize deductions made from gross earnings. The Company is required
by law to make certain deductions, such as Social Security, federal income tax, and any other
appropriate taxes. These required deductions include any court-ordered garnishments. Payroll
stubs also itemize any voluntary deductions such as an employee’s portion of health, dental, or life
insurance premiums and/or voluntary contributions to a 401(k) or pension plan, to the extent
applicable. If applicable, payroll stubs will also differentiate between regular and overtime pay
received. Any questions should be promptly directed to HR.
Improper Pay Deductions
Lupin complies with federal and state minimum wage and overtime pay laws. Lupin prohibits all
supervisors and managers from making any improper deductions from the pay of any employee.
Every so often, however, inadvertent mistakes may occur. Therefore, all employees should review
their pay stub when it is received to make certain it is correct.
If you find a discrepancy in your pay or otherwise believe that Lupin improperly deducted amounts
from your paycheck, you should immediately bring the concern to your supervisor/manager. If the
supervisor/manager is unavailable or is an inappropriate person to contact, or if a prompt and fully
acceptable reply has not been received within five (5) business days, you should contact HR. Any
such concern will be investigated promptly and kept as confidential as possible to the extent
necessary to pursue the investigation and take corrective action. Lupin will take immediate and
appropriate corrective steps to reimburse an employee if it determines that an improper deduction
occurred under applicable federal or state law. If Lupin notes an error, the necessary correction
will be made the next possible pay period after the error is noted.
This policy also applies to exempt employees who believe they have been subject to an improper
deduction from their salary. Exempt employees receive a salary that is intended to compensate
them for all hours worked. The salary is not subject to deductions for variations in the quantity or
quality of work. However, unless state law dictates otherwise, the following deductions are
Full day absences for personal reasons;
Full day absences for sickness or disability;
Full day disciplinary suspensions for infractions of our written policies and procedures;
Family and Medical Leave absences (either full or partial day absences);
To offset amounts received as payment for jury and witness fees or military pay; or
The first or last week of employment in the event of less than a full week worked.