Page 23 - Lupin Employee Handbook and Supplements - July 2018
P. 23

Lupin Employee Handbook

                       Voting Leave

               When there is not sufficient time at the beginning or end of the work shift to participate in an
               election, an employee will be provided with time off to allow him/her to vote, as required by law.

                       Bereavement Leave

               Full-time employees may request up to three (3) days of paid leave to attend to needs relating to
               the death of a member of the employee’s immediate family (spouse, grandparent, parent, step
               parent, child, sibling, in-laws, step children, or grandchild). Bereavement leave may be taken in
               half  day  and  full  day  increments  only.  The  three  (3)  leave  days  are  not  required  to  be  taken
               consecutively, but they must be used within a reasonable time after the close-relative’s death.

               The employee must notify his or her supervisor/manager as soon as he or she is aware of the need
               for bereavement leave. Lupin understands the deep impact that death may have on an individual
               or family, and therefore may grant additional unpaid time off at Lupin’s discretion. Lupin reserves
               the right to request written verification of the employee’s need for bereavement leave.

                       Military Leave

               Lupin grants and treats military leaves of absence and reemployment in accordance with applicable
               federal, state, and local laws.

                       Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

               The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) allows “eligible” employees to take job-
               protected, unpaid  leave, or to  substitute appropriate paid  leave if the  employee  has  earned or
               accrued it, for up to a total of 12 work weeks in any 12 month period for specified reasons below.

               To be “Eligible” an employee must:

                     Have been employed for at least 12 months; and
                     Worked at least 1,250 hours during the last 12-month period immediately preceding the
                       commencement of the leave.

               Additionally, at least 50 employees must be employed by Lupin within 75 miles.

               The 12-week FMLA leave may be taken during a rolling 12-month period measured backward
               from the date an employee uses any FMLA leave.

               Qualified Reasons for Leave:

                       Family Leave

                     To care for the employee’s child after birth; or
                     Placement of a child for adoption or foster care with the employee.

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