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Teladoc Health gives members 24/7/365 access to board-certified doctors through the convenience of phone or video consults. It’s an affordable option for quality medical care.
To get started, set up your account and provide your medical history. You can then request a consult via telephone (800) 835-2362, by downloading Teladoc’s mobile app or by visiting!
Telehealth benefits are administered by Teladoc and available to all City of Raleigh medical plan participants.
      Talk to a doctor anytime, anywhere
  Receive quality care via phone or online video
Prompt treatment, average call back in 16 mins.
      No limit on consults so members can take their time
A network of doctors that can treat children of any age
Secure, personal and portable electronic health record (EHR)
 Account Set up Website:
Click “Set Up Account”
What Is My Cost?
The cost per consult is $10
When can you use Teladoc Health?
• When you need care now
• If your doctor is unavailable
• If you are considering the ER or urgent care center for a non-emergency issue
• On vacation, on a business trip, or away from home
• For short-term prescription refills
Members Can Share With Their PCP
With member’s consent, Teladoc Health is happy to provide information about their Teladoc Health Consults to their Primary Care Physician (PCP).
Members Get The Care They Need
Teladoc Health doctors can treat many medical conditions, including:
• Cold & flu symptoms
• Allergies
• Bronchitis
• Skin problems
• Respiratory infection
• Sinus problems
• And more!

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