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        Under  a  strong  competitive  environment,   This includes technical services in the field
        Greek  companies  that  manufacture  and   of engineering, installation & commissioning
        export  marine  equipment  of  high  techno-  and  ship  maintenance  (including  repair),
        logical  added  value  have  decided  to  join   with optimum after sales customer support.
        their forces. In order to achieve their plan-
        ning for a powerful opening and potential ex-  HEMEXPO  is  aiming  to  healthy  promotion
        porting to shipyards, they moved on to form    between  its  companies,  targeting  for  financial
        HEMEXPO  –  Hellenic  Marine  Equipment   scale  achievement  and  for  companies’
        Manufacturers and Exporters.      financial  numbers  increase,  in  order  to
                                          secure long-term competiveness and feasibility.
        HEMEXPO involves the larger marine equip-
        ment  companies  in  Greece  and  thereby   The  strategic  plan  of  HEMEXPO  initially  re-
        strengthens  the  links  between  the  indus-  fers  to  member  companies’  promotion  in
        try’s leading companies through sharing of   national and international level. Companies,
        market  intelligence,  providing  a  vehicle  for   also,  mutually  organize  training  programs,
        greater  cooperation  with  ship-owners  and   whilst  their  commercial  and  R&D  coopera-
        shipyards.                        tion  with  each  other  will  be  strengthened.
                                          According  to  the  same  strategic  planning,
        Companies  of  HEMEXPO  derive  their  com-  cooperation is strengthened via their mutual
        petitiveness  through  designing  and  pro-  participation in international maritime exhi-
        ducing  innovative  and  reliable  high  quality   bitions in Europe, Asia and USA.
        products supplied for the building, conver-
        sion,  maintenance  of  ships  (seagoing  and   HEMEXPO invests in the Marine Equipment
        inland) and maritime structures.  industry,  being  a  reliable  and  consistent
                                          partner  for  ship-owners  and  shipyards,  all
                                          over the world.

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