Page 108 - Knowledge Organiser Yr8 24-25
P. 108

                                 Knowledge Builder: Music UNIT 1: Gospel & UNIT 2: Blues Year 8 | Autumn Term
   The Blues
Read more about one of Gospel's influential artists – Aretha Franklin. Find this book in the school library.
   Read more about Gospel from the BBC's GCSE Bitesize page.
Watch this playlist of Gospel songs by "The Kingdom Choir"- identify musical devices as you listen to each song..
   TASK: Draw a spider diagram showing which musical styles influenced Gospel, and styles that were influenced by Gospel. What are its close musical "relatives"? How are they similar and how do they differ? Create and upload to a new page under UNIT 1 on OneNote.
   Howard Goodall's Introduction to the Blues – BBC Teach.
Read historical information on the development of the Blues and Blues Culture.
Learn to play a more advanced 12-bar chord pattern with improvised melody.
   TASK: Can you compose an improvised melody using the Blues scale over a syncopated 12-bar chord pattern using more complex rhythms such as dotted rhythms, triplets and semiquavers? Create and upload to a new page under UNIT 2 on OneNote.

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