Page 110 - Knowledge Organiser Yr8 24-25
P. 110

                                 Knowledge Base: PSHRE Drugs and Young People Year 8 | Term 2
     3. County Lines
  What does ‘County lines’ mean?
    County Lines is where illegal drugs are transported from one area to another, often across police and local authority boundaries (although not exclusively), usually by children or vulnerable people who are coerced into it by gangs. The 'County Line' is the mobile phone line used to take the orders of drugs.
  What does grooming mean?
    Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them.
  What is ‘cuckooing’?
     Cuckooing is when drug gangs take over the home of a vulnerable person through violence and intimidation, using it as their base for selling/making drugs.
  1. Important drug vocabulary
   1.1 substance (drug)
This term includes alcohol and other drugs that may be legal or illegal.
  controlled substance (drug)
  These are illegal drugs. The manufacture, possession and use is regulated by the government.
  A drug or remedy that may be prescribed by a doctor or bought over the counter in a pharmacy or other shop.
  side effects
  An effect of a drug (including medicines) that is additional to its intended effects.
  A state in which a person relies on a substance to feel or function as normal, this can be physical and/or psychological.
   Experimental drug use is the first stage of substances use. It is the time when a person will begin to explore what drugs are.
  1.7 recreational
1.8 binge
Occasional use of an illegal drug, for example at a party or just at the weekend. A drug binge is classed as taking large quantities in one session.
         4. Questions about behaviour and drug use.
  What is risky behaviour?
    These are actions that potentially expose people to harm, or significant risk of harm, which prevent them from reaching their potential in life and which can cause significant morbidity or mortality.
  What are the effects of taking illegal substances?
    Drugs have different effects depending on the drug itself, the person taking it and their surroundings. It means how your body processes drugs and about the short-term and long-term effects, including physical and mental health.
  How can I resist peer pressure?
     Listen to your gut, plan for possible situations, arrange a ‘bail-out’ code with your parents/trusted adult, learn to feel comfortable saying ‘no’, blame your parents for not letting you do something, if the situation is dangerous – contact an adult.
  2.What are some of the different classifications (types) of drugs?
   2.1 depressants
2.2 stimulants
2.3 hallucinogens
2.4 opioids
2.5 steroids
These slow down the body’s systems and slow reactions.
These speed up the body’s systems and increase energy.
These alter perceptions or cause hallucinations, can cause anxiety or panic. These cause pleasure or pain relief and can lead to loss of consciousness.
These increase body mass and speed recovery from exercise, can cause paranoia.
   These can cause feelings of relaxation or giggliness, linked to paranoia and memory loss
     Want to know more? Talk to Frank
Winchester Youth counselling
Hampshire Police

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