Page 114 - Knowledge Organiser Yr8 24-25
P. 114

                                 Knowledge Base: Religious Studies How did we get here? Can the Year 8 | Term 2 biblical accounts of creation be true?
     3. What are the scientific theories of creation?
 Big Bang theory
 • 14 billion years ago, matter expanded rapidly. Stars, galaxies and planets formed.
• 4.6 billion years ago Earth was formed.
• The theory put forward in the 1920s and is still our best understanding of how the universe came to exist.
  Charles Darwin
  • In 1859 Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species.
• Based on his studies of creatures
he had encountered on his travels the Galapagos Islands.
   The theory of evolution
   • All living creatures that exist including human beings, have evolved from primitive life forms over a period of millions of years.
• Evolution happens by natural selection- survival of the fittest.
  1.What are the biblical accounts of creation?
  1.1 creation
1.2 Bible
1.3 Genesis
The action of bringing something into existence.
The book of sacred writings accepted as coming from God.
The first book in the Bible which describes how God created the universe.
   The supernatural being that caused, controls, commanded and sustains creation, which is seen as being "good".
 Genesis Chapter 1
 The first creation story Written as a poem
God created the universe in a specific order over 6 days and rested on the 7th. Thought to have been written during the 7/6 centuries BCE.
   Genesis Chapter 2
   The second creation story written in the Bible, Older than the first, probably written in the 8th century BCE. A narrative story that shows God interacting with creation. It has a different order of creation, with man being created and crafted first.
    2. Bible verses
 “So God created mankind in his own image.” (Genesis 1:27)
 • Mankind was created differently from the rest of creation
• Man is given responsibilities to “rule over the land”.
   “Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.” Genesis 2:7)
   • Mankind was created through the breath of God.
• Man is given responsibility to name the animals and “to take care” over creation.
    4. Can science and religion agree about creation?
  Albert Einstein
  • Einstein was a scientist.
• He wrote, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
• This quote is used to show how religion and science can be compatible and have mutual interdependence.
    2. What responsibilities were given to man?
2.1 stewardship Taking care of something on behalf of someone else. In the case of creation God gives mankind the responsibility of looking after His creation.
2.2 interpretation An explanation or opinion of what something means.
  literal interpretation
  • The belief that the Bible is the actual word of God.
• Genesis 1 and 2 are true and accurate descriptions of how the world was created. • Literalists reject scientific theories.
   liberal interpretation
   The belief that the Bible can be interpreted metaphorically. Liberalists accept that the Bible will have contradictions as it was written by humans and so is imperfect. Liberalists will accept scientific theories about the origins of the universe.

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