Page 127 - History of the STGA
P. 127

 Rabbie loved me the mostest.
I held soirees in Edinburgh,
I was a right good wee hostess. He wrote me braw letters Sending me ae fond kiss,
Then my servant got pregnant Which put paid to the bliss.
Get Me Back to Sconsor - bold type was written at the same time as the Skye CPD and not by Norma and I but by Kirstie Holt and Rosie Peattie.
Get me Back to Sconser or ‘What I did on Day Four of the CPD to Skye’ By Kirstie Holt and Rosie Peattie
Let the wind blow high, let the wind blow low
Up my plastic breeks it flows
Through the gloar we’ve tramped for hours Get me Back to Sconser
I’m yomping o’er Raasay Moor On our wee geology tour Devil’s toenails by the score Get me Back to Sconser
Is this a path or a river bed?
I’m soakin’ now frae toe tae head Wish I wis still in my bed

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