Page 110 - Buck Tilton "Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches"
P. 110
Climbing Knots: Bends
even more security (not a bad idea when your life
may depend on your knot).
Clifford Ashley, arguably the greatest knot-
man of all times, called the figure 8 bend a Flemish
bend and found it, reportedly, a bothersome
knot to deal with. This knot may also be used by
campers and boaters.
Figure 8 B XXnd: Step 3 Figure 8 Bend: Step 4
Continue to follow the lead of
XXX When both ropes have been
the first rope. The goal is to cre- woven into one figure 8 knot,
ate a second figure 8 knot that carefully compress and tighten
duplicates but is a mirror image the composite knot into the
of the first figure 8 knot. characteristic figure 8 shape.
For the greatest strength, make
sure the standing part of both
ropes forms the outer bight at
both ends of the knot.
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