Page 14 - New Economic Immigration Act(draft) introduction
P. 14

Easy Guide                New Economic Immigration Bill                                             Rules for Dependent Relatives of
        標題                                                                                          標題
                                                                                                                                   Permanent Residents

              Foreign Professionals                                                                                                    Foreign Mid-Level Technicians

               Foreign Professional must obtain                                                                                          Foreign Mid-Level Technician must
               permanent residence first.                                                                                                obtain permanent residence first.

              Spouse, minor children, and adult                                                                                            Spouse and  minor children who
              children who are unable to live                                                                                              continuously reside in Taiwan for

        牆文  independently due to physical or                                                        牆文                                     an additional  5  years may apply
              mental disability who                                      Permanent residence of dependent relative(s) is                   for permanent residence if they
              continuously reside in Taiwan for                          revoked or cancelled if the permanent                             meet certain other criteria
              an additional  5  years may apply                          residence of the foreign professional/mid-level

              for permanent residence                                    technician is revoked or cancelled.

               (建議字數:每行文字最多33字、最多6行)                                                                      (建議字數:每行文字最多33字、最多6行)
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