Page 15 - E-magazineengl
P. 15

As far back as many
 students can remember,
 there has been constant

      construction.  This

 construction has heavily

    affected students by
 disrupting their lifestyle,

      and environment.

  Previously there would

    always be countless                             Instead of spending

 students at the Student                               time at the SLC,
   Life Centre (SLC) and                           students must spend

 now it appears deserted.                         more time coping with

      In the place where                          the sub-par living and

   students stayed, only                                 environmental
          dust remains.                                    conditions.

                                                      Unfortunately, the

                                                   accumulation of dust

                                                and loss of environment
                                                is not the worst outcome

                                                   as the destruction of

                                                  scenery, coupled with

                                                 the lack of food options
                                                   affects students on a

                                                  nutritional and mental

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