Page 21 - Pawleys Pavilion POA Proposal
P. 21

Management Proposal for Pawleys Pavilion POA

                                             F i n a n c i a l  M a n a g e m e n t

                                            ▪   Mail homeowner’s coupon books to  assist with paying assessments
                                                and  record collections of  assessments along with any other monies

                                                due to the association.   Follow up with collections in accordance to
                                                the collection policy adopted by the Board.

                                            ▪   Deposit any excess funds into CDs in the name of the Association,

                                                insured by the federal government, and approved by the Board.

                                            ▪   Promptly pay approved invoices under the direction of the Board.

                                            ▪   Prepare and deliver monthly financial statements by the 20th of the

                                                following month for the Board to review. Financial statements will
                                                follow the GAAP standards.  Tradd Management will provide any

                                                reports as requested by the Board.

                                            ▪   Annual budgets will be prepared and proposed to the Board along
                                                with a reserve schedule.  Meetings will be set to revise and finalize
                                                the budget.

                                            ▪   Records will be maintained in order for an accountant to complete

                                                an annual audit and file tax returns every year.  All records will be
                                                made available to the Board and the accountant for the Association.
                                            ▪   All records are backed up electronically off site on a daily basis.

                                            ▪   Distribute 1099s to applicable vendors and file all forms regarding

                                                1099s to the Internal Revenue Service.

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               1 0 3 9   4 4 T H   A V E N U E   N O R T H ,    S U I T E   2 0 3
               M Y R T L E   B E A C H ,    S O U T H   C A R O L I N A   2 9 5 7 7                         20
               W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M
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