Page 29 - Hudson CAFR Report 2018
P. 29

                                        SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                  MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS
                                   FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2018


                                                Net Position

                                  Governmental Activities      Business-Type Activities        Total

                                                (Restated)                (Restated)                   (Restated)

                                  2018          2017           2018       2017           2018          2017

Assets                            $ 179,370,747 $ 81,728,048 $ 1,389,569 $ 1,292,281 $ 180,760,316 $ 83,020,329
Current assets                       56,894,545 57,059,076 - - 56,894,545 57,059,076
Capital assets, net

Total assets                      236,265,292 138,787,124 1,389,569 1,292,281 237,654,861 140,079,405

Deferred outflows of resources     1,291,277     1,372,405             -          -       1,291,277     1,372,405
                                  22,650,876    19,263,885     279,782    285,733        22,930,658    19,549,618
Other amounts                                                   36,858
Pension                              768,494       156,992                   7,057          805,352       164,049
OPEB                                                           316,640
Total deferred                    24,710,647    20,793,282                292,790        25,027,287    21,086,072
 outflows of resources

Liabilities                       9,806,733     7,729,004        123,233  125,250        9,929,966     7,854,254
Current liabilities
Long-term liabilities:               5,399,241     1,584,316      13,465       8,845        5,412,706     1,593,161
                                   77,577,324   107,200,357    1,059,283  1,253,576       78,636,607   108,453,933
 Due within one year               17,678,767                                             18,101,350
 Net pension liability            102,160,210    22,117,747      422,583    424,206      102,177,954    22,541,953
 Net OPEB liability                              21,216,693       17,744     16,407                     21,233,100
 Other amounts

Total liabilities                 212,622,275 159,848,117 1,636,308 1,828,284 214,258,583 161,676,401

Deferred inflows of resources     45,641,292    39,173,715            -          -       45,641,292    39,173,715
Other amounts                      4,992,953     2,243,672     35,779     27,137          5,028,732     2,270,809
Pension                            2,210,023                   42,745                     2,252,768                -
OPEB                                                        -                    -
                                                               78,524                    52,922,792    41,444,524
Total deferred                    52,844,268 41,417,387                   27,137

 inflows of resources

Net Position                       39,999,721    40,576,526          -             -      39,999,721    40,576,526
Net investment in capital assets    7,341,961     1,694,486          -             -       7,341,961     1,694,486
Restricted                                                     (8,623)    (270,350)
Unrestricted                      (51,832,286)  (83,956,110)                             (51,840,909)  (84,226,460)

Total net position                $ (4,490,604) $ (41,685,098) $ (8,623) $ (270,350) $ (4,499,227) $ (41,955,448)

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