Page 3 - Tabetha Dandy's Program
P. 3

To My Big Hadassah, (means Myrtle tree, is a fitting symbol of the
                                                              recovery and establishment of God’s promises) My very first child, the
                                                             love I have for you is beyond words. The gift that  God gave you is unique
                                                             and different. You were a blessing to everyone you came in contact with.
                                                              Your beautiful smile, your warm heart, and sweet spirit had a soothing
                                                            effect. May God  continue to bless your voice in Heaven with the Angels. I
                                                             will miss you. My heart is heavy but  my mind is strong, may your spirit
                                                                              be with me from now on.
                                                                                   Love, Daddy

                                 “I Feel so Blessed to Have Given You Life”


                I feel so special because God choose me to be your Mother and carry you to term for 9 months. What
         an adventure. I strongly felt, that I could protect you and instill in you the promises of God in song and scripture
         reading. I would worship and sing Gods praises to you and tap those notes on the piano so that you can hear the
         major and minor notes vibrating from my body to yours as you blossomed in my womb.  I thought that if I poured
         into your mind body and spirit for the few months that I carried you, the gift of songs would follow you throughout
         your life and bless others. Finally on September 20, 1982 God blessed us with our Song Bird.

                Later I had to step back and say, Mission accomplished as you ventured out writing your own story and
         not allowing anyone to define you and your God given gifts and talents as they made room for you.  During your
         journey upon this earth, you touched so many lives one by one in your own right. You ministered your way no
         matter what and where. Tabetha, I know that sometimes life was very lonely for you as you passed through this life
         on earth, but you persevered.
                I thank God that he loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son. Which reminds me that
         Jesus was a carpenter touching many lives as he journeyed upon this earth?  My Song Bird just know that I feel so
         blessed to have witnessed your acceptance of Jesus Christ in your heart at an early age, and as we recently spoke
         before your passing my love, I told you that God will never leave you nor forsake you, and that you wear an
         amazing Sister Daughter and Mother.

         Love, Mom

                                   To my sister, my twin, my best friend, my heart…..
                                   I must say I was blessed to have a big sister that I can truly call on anytime. Our bond was unbreakable no matter how
                                   many times we disagreed with each other as siblings, we would always come back and talk about it so that we may learn
                                   how to be there for one another. Our music roots and voices took us to places together, that we never imagined.. It was so
                                   exciting to travel with you and sing together, from our youth, to our adulthood. Even though my heart is broken, I am
                                   grateful for all the experiences we shared as sisters, and will cherish all of our memories. You have always had my back
                                   and I will forever have yours. While God has me here, I promise to be there for Noah and Justin, to teach them all of
                                   the positive things you and I talked about. I promise to continue to encourage Justin as he taps into his musical talent
                                   and uplift Noah as he goes through this journey called life, with God being at the center of it all. I will miss our morning
                                   calls and late night talks, our family and friends game nights, or just you calling saying, “lets go eat, I want Houston's!”
                                   I'm not sure how life will look without you, I pray that God heals my open wound that is filled with pain, and that he
                                   also gives  me peace, by remembering and knowing that you are in a better place, using your beautiful voice that I will
          one day be reunited with, when he calls me home… I love you and will always keep you in my heart.
          Your only sister, Amanda.
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