Page 32 - Target Five Award Book 2019__ PRINT
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     Global Impact Week 2019
To make the most of Global Impact Day 2019, the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter incorporated it into a week of activities. The week kicked off on Sunday April 7th with our social media campaign highlighting The International Day of Reflection on the Genocide in Rwanda. Next, on Wednesday April 10th, we volunteered at Weatherly Heights Baptist Church ESL Center between 9a-12p and 6p-8p. On Friday, April 12th, Global Impact Day, EGO collaborated with the UAH Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to host an event titled “Global AwAKAning: An Evening of Cinema and Supplies.” At the event, we showed a viewing of a documentary following the Sudanese Boys and provided community support by collecting toiletry items for distribution at Catholic Social Services Refugee Resettlement Program. The week concluded on Saturday April 13th as we celebrated the African Diaspora by wearing cultural attire to chapter meeting and supporting the community by distributing immunization and school registration information to refugee and multicultural families attending the Links, Inc. 21st Annual Multicultural Extravaganza (of which we were a partner).
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