Page 51 - Target Five Award Book 2019__ PRINT
P. 51

Globalization is about the interconnectedness of people and businesses across the world that eventually leads to global cultural, political and economic integration. In addition, the world faces global challenges that will take interdisciplinary groups like Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc®. to help solve these challenges; assistance for refugees (RAAP); and partnerships with Soles 4 Souls and Lions Club International just to name a few.
In the world today, there are over 1 billion people who don’t have adequate supplies of clean water, countless who don’t have access to medical care, millions who live without enough to eat. We live in a world that is more interconnected and more vulnerable than ever before.
The challenges of the century are not that of isolated locales but of the planet as a whole. Thus, Target 5 in Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter has contributed to Global Awareness through the following efforts in 2019:
Eyeglasses (Lions Club International) 965
Shoes (Soles 4 Souls) 1,451
Dresses for Haiti 522
Refugees Assisted 2,870
Countries to whom ESL Services were provided 25
Provided monthly global awareness to the community and the world through our social media campaign and participated, in, partnered with, and supported global activities and initiatives in the community.
-----edited from Patricia Fox and Stephen Hundley. 2011. The Importance of Globalization in Higher Education. New Knowledge in a New Era of Globalization.
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