Page 2 - Hosey FootNotes Summer 17
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Tips for protecting feet from the heat
Beach-bound vacations are great, but your feet face some very special problems
in warm weather, shoeless conditions.
“Your feet are very vulnerable even when you are lying around the pool or the
beach,” says Dr. Ryan Murphy of Hosey Foot and Ankle Centers. “Sunburn
and athlete’s foot are two major conditions we
see in patients of all ages during the summer. Fortunately there are some simple ways to prevent these common foot ailments so you can enjoy our warm but relatively short Michigan summers.”
Limit walking barefoot as it exposes feet to sunburn, as well as plantar warts, athlete's foot, ringworm, and other
infections. Wear shoes or flip-flops around the pool, to the beach, in the locker room and even on the carpeting or in your hotel room to prevent injuries and limit the likelihood of contracting any bacterial infections.
‘Remember to apply sunscreen all over your feet, especially the tops and fronts of ankles, and don't forget to reapply after you've been in the water,” Dr. Murphy says. “Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Drinking water will not only help with overall health, but will also minimize any foot swelling caused by the heat.”
Always pack an extra pair of sneakers or protective water shoes. If your shoes will be getting wet, they must be dried out completely before your next wearing to prevent bacteria or fungus from growing.
In case of minor foot problems, be prepared with the following on-the-go foot gear: flip flops, sterile bandages, antibiotic cream to treat any skin injury, Motrin or Advil to ease tired, swollen feet and sunscreen.
If you injure your foot or ankle while on vacation, seek professional medical attention and contact the physicians at Hosey Foot and Ankle Centers at 586-263-4411
Are you a baby boomer suffering from heel pain? We can help fix that!
If you are a baby boomer, you more than likely have already noticed some aches and pains that were not there a few years ago.
“You may consider it normal to have some aches and pains as you age,” says Dr. Thomas Hosey of Hosey Foot and Ankle Centers, “but having pain in your feet and especially heel pain is never normal.”
Heel pain is most commonly caused by plantar fasciitis. Everyone believes that people who are athletic and live an active lifestyle are at a higher risk of developing this kind of heel pain, but in actuality it is people who are older that are most at risk to suffer from this ailment. Plantar fasciitis is
inflammation caused by strain on the band of tissue that runs along the entire length of your foot. The pain is usually worse in the morning after many hours of not using your feet.
The physicians at Hosey Foot and Ankle Centers recommend stretching your feet daily as a first step to prevent and reduce pain from plantar
fasciitis. Try these two exercises for a start:
1. Gently pull your big toe out to its proper position and hold for 10 seconds, repeating 3 or 4 times with each toe.
2. Point your toes forward, hold 5 seconds, curl them, hold 5 seconds, and release. Repeat 10 times, and do this set a few times a day while you are sitting.
“If you already suffer from heel pain, you can try icing the foot and wearing proper footwear that give your feet the support they need,” Dr. Hosey says. “You should also make an appointment with any of the physicians at Hosey Foot and Ankle Centers who can provide treatment options and get you on the way to recovery.”

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