Page 3 - Hosey FootNotes Summer 17
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Diabetics need to take special care during summer
Summer is here, and we can’t
wait to get out and enjoy the
sunny days. If you have diabetes, warm weather diabetic foot care is
of the utmost importance. You might want to just kick off your shoes and forget all of your worries, but be more careful with your feet when you are diabetic. It is crucial to avoiding serious complications.
Even though sandals are comfortable, they aren’t the best shoes for diabetic feet. They offer less support, which can lead to arch problems. Additionally, they don’t do a great job of protecting your feet. You might step on something sharp and not even notice it if you also have peripheral
neuropathy. Never go barefoot, either, especially at the beach or the park, where broken glass and sharp metal cans abound.
Also, always remember to wear sunscreen on your feet if they will be exposed during the day.
Check your feet daily and keep them clean. Peripheral neuropathy may lead to a loss of sensation in your feet, so seeing a problem is important because you may not be able to feel it. If you happen to notice anything out of the ordinary when it comes to your feet, call any of the physicians at Hosey Foot and Ankle Centers
at 586-263-4411.
Preventing fungal nails in summer
Michigan summers are great for wearing open-toed shoes or sandals to show off your feet.
“And though I recommend you avoid flip-flops that don’t support your feet, letting your feet breath is a great way to improve your health and spirits during warm weather months,” says Dr. Kristen Patterson of Hosey Foot and Ankle Centers.
“Of course, you probably won’t be so enthusiastic about letting the world see your toes if you’ve contracted a case of toenail fungus,” she adds, “but that’s where just a few simple prevention tips will make a world of difference.”
Some of the top prevention tips for fungal nails include:
• Choose moisture-wicking socks. A key component of toenail fungus prevention is keeping feet dry—to deprive microorganisms of the moisture they need. Wearing socks that are made from nylon, wool, polypropylene, and other synthetic blends will reduce your fungal infection risk.
• Wash your feet daily. This is simply a given, and most people do it anyhow, but be sure to give extra attention to the areas between the toes. The offensive fungus can take up residence in these oft- neglected areas before infecting toenails
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Protect your feet. Fungal infections can be picked up from gym locker room floors, pool decks, and in communal showering areas. Reduce your infection risk by wearing shower shoes or sandals in these places.
• Treat shoes with antifungal products. Antifungal sprays and powders will help eradicate any fungus residing in your footwear.
These prevention tips for fungal nails will certainly reduce your risk of suffering with an embarrassing infection, but we want you to know that the Hosey Foot and Ankle Centers are ready to help by calling 586-263-4411.

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