Page 1 - Hosey Foot Notes Fall 17
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Women often have special foot problems that need special attention
Footwear, particularly high heels with pointy toes, rightfully gets a lot of blame for women’s foot problems. But other factors can play a big role too—especially as more women stay active as they get older.
“Years ago women weren’t exercising into their 80s and were rarely involved in challenging physical activities even in their 40s and 50s,” says Dr. Kristen Patterson of Hosey Foot and Ankle Centers. “Today women take part in activities that are strenuous and just as intense as those men engage in. Yet their feet often aren’t built to the same strength, so we are seeing more overuse and impact injuries in women.”
“The solution, as I see it isn’t to stop being active, but to be more proactive about foot pain when it occurs,” Dr. Patterson adds. Here’s a look at some of the most common foot problems for women.
Adult onset flat feet
When the tendon that helps hold up your arch begins to break down, it can eventually cause a painful flattening of the arch. Symptoms might include pain and swelling, often on the outside of the ankle, which will intensify if the condition is not treated. Treatment ranges from orthotics and anti- inflammatory medication in the early stages to possible surgery in later stages.
Stress fractures
A foot stress fracture in a woman can be a sign of a potentially greater problem: loss of bone mass. This complication is more common in extreme athletes such as triathletes and marathoners, but it can be a red flag for any active woman. Stress fracture treatment includes rest and possibly orthotics.
Heel pain
Heel pain tends to be caused by overuse, so the best treatment is prevention. Replacing athletic shoes
after they have about 300 miles on them, even if they still look new, often can help remedy this condition.
Nerve problems
Sometimes problems higher up in the body can cause pain or other symptoms in the feet. Nerve dysfunction, for example, is characterized by foot numbness and drop foot, but it is simply a compressed nerve caused by crossing the legs. Tarsal tunnel syndrome, the foot-equivalent of carpal tunnel, results in pain and burning in the arch, but the real culprit is a pinched nerve near the ankle. Compressed nerves in other parts of the spine or legs can also cause foot symptoms, so be sure to tell your physician about any other problems you’re having when seeking help for foot problems.
If you suffer from any of these conditions or symptoms call Hosey Foot and Ankle Centers at 586-263- 4411 to make an appointment.
Stress fractures
Nerve problems
Adult onset flat feet
Heel pain