Page 12 - Spring 2016 Regional Matters – RE/MAX of Southeastern Michigan
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AGENT SPOTLIGHT Tushar Vakhariya
Congratulations to Tushar Vakhariya, Associate Broker and Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX New Trend, on receiving the prestigious Diamond Club Award at the RE/MAX of Southeastern Michigan’s Awards Gala held this past February. Not only did Tushar receive the Diamond Club award, but he also received the first place award for top ten based on individual commissions.
The Diamond Club award is awarded to individuals who have reached a commission level of $1,000,000 and overinagivenyear. TusharwastheonlyDiamondClub award recipient this year.
Tushar has been with RE/MAX since 2007 and has received the Hall of Fame and Lifetime Achievement awards as well.
RE/MAX of Southeastern Michigan
“Tushar is an excellent example of what an agent in RE/MAXofSoutheasternMichigancanachieve. I applaud his hard work, dedication, and success.”
– Magnus Sublett, CEO and Regional Owner, RE/MAX of Southeastern Michigan
Tushar Vakhariya was the only RE/MAX Associate to receive the prestigious Diamond Club award.
Diana M. Sloan
Vice President Sales
586-585-0451 Ext. 121 586-489-4514 Cell 586-585-0457 Fax
26800 Harper Avenue St. Clair Shores Michigan, 48081

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