Page 13 - Tidings 2018-19
P. 13

Training records 2018-19

           Sl No     Date               Topic             Conducted by   Attended by               Report
                                                                                             submitted or not
          1       15.05.18     Identifying students with   Spastic society    Montessori and   Yes
                               special needs and strate-                     pre-primary
                               gies to help them.                            teachers

          2       16.05.18     Classroom management     Ms. Monica           All teachers    Yes
                               and discipline, Mainte-
                               nance of Registers
          3       16.05.18     Pocso Guidelines         Mr. Babu Rao         All teachers    Yes

          4       17.05.18     Communication skills, Soft  MS. Shukla        All teachers    Yes
                               Skiills, Public Speaking
                               Skills,E- Mail etiquettes

          5       18.05.18     Training on Montessori   Emilda               Primary and     Yes
                               materials                                     Secondary
          6       29th & 30th  PRP on career guidance    CBSE                Veena           Yes
                  June, 2018
          7       28th July,   CBP on remodelled struc-  CBSE                Veena and       Yes
                  2018         ture of assessment                            Monica

          8       31st Aug,    CBP on social studies    CBSE                 Sonal           Yes
                  1st Sept,
          9       13th & 14th  Teaching Mathematics     Meena Suresh         Gouri and
                  July, 2018   and  Manipulatives                            Bindu Mol

          10      28th & 29th  PRP on inclusion and in-  CBSE                Veena           No
                  Sept, 2018   clusive strategies

          11      12th Janu-   Inclusion and            Ms. Veena,           All teachers
                  ary, 2019    Inclusive Strategies     Ms. Sofia,
                                                        Ms. Shimna, Ms.
                                                        Asha, Ms. Roopa,
                                                        Ms. Emilda
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