Page 2 - Newsletter | April Issue
P. 2

What was your first job?
       I started my carrier at Critical Facilities area on 1995 at Telefonica of Sao Paulo, as a

       “Technician of Maintenance” of telephone stations infrastructure, performing field
       maintenance on diesel generators, HVAC systems, rectifiers, UPS, batteries, etc.

       Did you always want to be in the Telecommunications industry?

       My history with critical facilities and Telecommunications industry had its beginning when I
       was 12 years old; my father, who was Security at data center of the TELESP (State of São

       Paulo Telecommunications Company which was bought by Telefonica) and took me to see
       the facilities of the data center and the professionals skills attached to that, that experience
       made me realize that I wanted to always be linked to this career for the rest of my life!

       What or who inspires you? Why?

       Nelson Mandela “Madiba”, due to his strong heart and persistence to gain his goals!

       What is one of your hobbies? When did you start this hobby?

       I've been playing Capoeira since I was very young and I love it, although nowadays I do
       not have enough time or the opportunity to dedicate myself to this art as I wish. Currently, I

       have been practicing CrossFit to improve my health.

       If you could travel anywhere in the world; where would it be and why?
       I'm a fan of the Colombian Writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez "The GabO", due to the

       inspiration of his stories I have always dreamed of meeting Cartagena in Colombia... uhau,
       the atmosphere described in the book "Cien Años de soledad" is very much engaging and

       What is your favorite place that you have traveled to?

       Rome, Italy… such an amazing strong history surrounding the place!

       Favorite quote of all time?
       Electricity… of course!!! I’m an electrical engineer hahahaha
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