Page 130 - Wedding Essentials & Essential groom Issue 8
P. 130
Building Broad Shoulders
John’s Wedding Essentials’ resident trainer gives you his
guide to creating the perfect physique to show off your
wedding threads.
WORK a symmetrical physique. Wide delts help to create the
Shoulders are important to upper body strength and
illusion of a smaller waist and it finishes that illusive
“V” that all men strive for.
This is an easy twice a week shoulder workout for
OUT to ensure that you gain maximum benefit form your
a guy whose too busy for a hectic workout routine.
Before we jump into the routine, here are a few tips
shoulder routine.
Go into the gym with a mission; treat every
rep like it’s the only one you can do that day.
Do each rep slowly and in a controlled man-
ner; good form is crucial.
Remember that pressing movements build
muscle mass and isolation exercises help refine that
mass, therefore use lighter weights during your isola-
tion exercises (such as lateral raises) and focus hard
on good technique – feel the muscle burn.
4. Side delts take precedence over front delts
1. Seated Lateral Phase in this workout for two reasons: front delts are
overworked, due to loads of chest exercises, and side
delts can be harder to develop. Always do your lateral
Sit on the edge of a bench with your knees raises at the beginning of your workout.
slightly higher than your waist. Begin with the 5. Always warm shoulders up thoroughly with
dumbbells first just below the level of your butt light weights and allow adequate rest between your
and then slowly lift up the weights until they’re shoulder workouts (48 – 72 hours rest between shoul-
parallel to each other at shoulder height. As der workouts)
you’re lifting the weights up turn your hands as
if you’re pouring water out of a jug (this helps to
keep proper form). Return the weights to the
starting position and immediately begin your
next rep. Workout One
Exercise Sets Reps
Standing lateral raise 3 12
Reverse Flye 3 10
Standing Military Press 4 8
Arnold Press 4 8
Seated Lateral Raise 3 12
Workout Two
Exercise Sets Reps
Seated lateral raise 3 12
Standing lateral raise 3 12
Seated behind the neck press 4 10
Alternate front dumbbell raise 4 12
2. Standing Lateral Position
Hold two dumbbells, one in each hand, in front of
your hips with the weights touching. Stand with
your feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly
bent, eyes focused directly in front of you.
Slowly lift the weights up until they’re parallel
to each other at shoulder level. As you raise the
dumbbells be sure that your elbows are slightly
bent and once again turn/rotate your hands as
if you’re pouring water out of a jug. Return the
weights to the starting position and begin your
next rep. Don’t use your lower-back momentum
for leverage.
130 | Wedding Essentials