Page 60 - Wedding Essentials & Essential groom Issue 8
P. 60
(Brought to you by Marisa - Moholoholo)
First of all, how would you best describe your ven- When looking for a venue, would you say it is best
ue and what do you love most about it? viewing a venue with family or without family?
If you are looking for a fairy tale wedding Moholoholo is the And why?
ideal place. The thing I love most about the venue is that fact I think this differs from family to family. I always feel that it
that it does not lean to a specific theme so you can do any- is nice to have someone with you when viewing a venue either
thing you like. Also due to it being so close to nature you do a family member or a friend. They sometimes think of things
not need a lot to have the perfect wedding. that you will not think offt due to the overwhelming factor
you might experience.
In your opinion, why is choosing the right venue
important? What should a couple consider while choosing a
Both for the guests, Bride and Groom to be. We all want to venue when it comes to the number of guests in-
remember our wedding as the perfect day and one also want vited?
your guests to talk about your wedding for days after the wed- I would say the ideal wedding is between 100 and 120 guests.
ding. It must be a day to remember You want to be able to interact with all your guests on the
What sets your venue apart from other venues?
We are unique due to the fact that we are not located in a city Do you think a couple should keep accommoda-
or town but outside nestled between Mountains, the Blyde tion in mind when they book a wedding venue?
River running past the venue. You will not get another venue Yes I think they should but I do not feel they have to be in
that is so close to nature charge of the guest’s accommodation. You can send a list of
places in the area out and the guests can decide the standard
What would you say should a couple consider and price they want to pay for their accommodation.
when choosing a venue for their big day?
Give us your 3 main points. 1) The venue must blow you away, As we know, weather is sometimes unpredictable,
you need to be able to picture your wedding while walking keeping that in mind, what should a couple keep in
around 2) You must feel comfortable with the staff 3) You mind when choosing the venue?
must feel that you are getting good value for money, you do If you want to do an open air wedding you need to know when
not want an over priced venue that does not suite all your it is rainy season, you can obviously not control the weath-
needs er so you always need to keep that in mind. A venue can also
not control the weather And what can you offer the Bride and
What is the number 1 most important part of Groom to be to keep their wedding day perfect? We always
choosing a venue? tell all the brides that you have to have a plan B that you can
You must like the venue from the moment you enter the gates fall back on. The plan B needs to be in place from day one so
And why? It is one of the most important things not to have that you are not disappointed if you have to fall back on plan
any doubts …. You must like the venue and staff 100% from B
the start
BONUS QUESTION. What is your favourite part
What would you say is important when choosing about hosting weddings?
the food at a venue? To see the final outcome, and to see the bride and grooms
The food needs to taste and look nice. Taste is one of the most personalities reflect in the wedding as a whole. It is the most
important factors. You want your guests to have a well cooked rewarding thing to look at the bride and groom during the
and tasty food. You want them to talk about how good the reception and to see their happiness and the guests enjoying
food was and not how bad themselves.