Page 216 - Buick-Cadillac Catalog
P. 216

Interior - Dash Items


                                                 64-67 Headlight Switch
                Wiring Clip Clamp
                                              Pn# - INL12533 - 1 pc  $27.00 Ea
         Pn# - INL15153-1pc     $3.25 Ea      1964-67 GM Headlight Switch (for all models) with fixed
         1968-72 GM A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Power Window,  headlights. This is the same switch in all gm cars from 64-67.  68-72 Fuse Block Items
         Power Locks, Under Dash, Map Light, Rear Speaker, Wiring
         Harness Clip Clamp. Used on all GM Models as Wiring Clip.                 INL10509

                                                                                   Pn# - INL10509 10 pc  $14.95 set
                                                 68-81 Headlight Switch            1968-72 GM A/F-body Interior Color Correct Fuse Kit with Puller.
                                                                                   Pn# - INL10488 -2pc
                                                                                                         $5.75 set
              IP Dash Board Clips             Pn# - INL12534 - 1 pc  $27.00 Ea     68-72 GM A/F-body Interior Fuse Block Rubber Coated Screws.
         Pn# - INL15316 -6pc    $9.95 Set     1968-81 GM Headlight Switch (for all models) with fixed  Hold the fuse block to the fire wall, under the dash - 2 1/4" long.
         1964-72 Dash Board IP Wiring Harness Clips and Bolts. Holds  headlights. This is the same switch in all gm cars from 68-81.
         rear speaker, power trunk & dash wiring to firewall under the dash.

              Heater Cable Screws             Hide-A-Way Headlight Switch
         Pn# - INL12657 - 6pc  $5.00 Set      Pn# - INL12535 - 1 pc  $83.00 Ea        Under Dash Wiring Clip
         1964-72 GM Heater Control Cables Mounting Screws.  1968-69 GM Headlight Switch (for all models with hide-a-way
         Special 1/4" tall head screw used to hold cable housing in place.  headlights. This is the same switch in all hide-a-way cars.  Pn# - INL12025 -1pc  $10.00 Ea
                                                                                   1968-72 GM A-body Under Dash Wiring Clip. This clip is used to
                                                                                   hold the main harness under the dash where it comes through the
                                                                                   firewall. It can be bolted in place or welded like the originals -
                                                                                   Some cars use 2 of these clips.

            Heater Cable Retainers
         Pn# - INL12658 - 6pc  $4.00 Set         Under Dash Wiring Clip
         1964-72 GM Heater Control Inner Cables Retaining Clips. Used
         to hold cable ends in place at the studs.  Pn# - INL12025 -1pc  $10.00 Ea
                                             1968-72 GM A-body Under Dash Wiring Clip. This clip is used to  68-72 Firewall Plugs
                                             hold the main harness under the dash where it comes through the
                                             firewall. It can be bolted in place or welded like the originals -
                                             Some cars use 2 of these clips.

                                                                                             INL11988  INL11989
                                                                                   Pn# - INL11988 - 1pc  $8.50 Ea
                                                                                   1968-72 GM A-body Throttle Cable Location Firewall Plug -
                                                                                   Style 1. Used to fill the extra hole in the firewall at the throttle cable
                                                                                   location on all T-400 & M/T cars, more common to 68-71 cars.
             68-72 Flasher Bracket                  Wire / Cable Strap             Pn# - INL11989 - 1pc  $12.00 Ea
                                                                                   1968-72 GM A-body Throttle Cable Location Firewall Plug -
         Pn# - INL13002 - 1pc  $11.50 Ea      Pn# - INL10758 -1pc   $3.00 ea       Style 2. Used to fill the extra hole in the firewall at the throttle cable
         1968-1972 GM Pontiac GTO Under Dash Flasher Bracket. Used  64-72 GM A-body, Wire / Cable Strap. GM cars used this strap in  location on all T-400 & M/T cars, more common to 71-72 cars.
         to hold the flasher under the dash. Also works with round flasher.  wiring and to hold cables together. (Early Style Zip Tie.)  We Stock All Our Parts

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