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Rubber Brake Hose Sets - Skylark

          Factory Exact Rubber Brake Hoses

                                                 68 Skylark Drum Brake
          Need help placing your  order? Our trained  Pn# - OBH1006A - 8pc $43.00 Set  79-87 Regal Disc Brake
          sales staff can answer any brake related  1968 GM A-body Skylark / GS - Front Drum / Rear Drum 3 hose
            question before you place your order.  set. For factory cars that have front drum brakes.  Pn# - OBH1013A - 12pc $50.00 Set
                                                                                   1979-87 GM G-body Regal GN T-type - Front Disc / Rear Drum
                                                                                   3 hose set. This is  for cars with factory disc brakes.

           64-65 Skylark Drum Brake               68 Skylark Disc Single
         Pn# - OBH1001A - 10pc $55.00 Set     Pn# - OBH1007A- 12pc $50.00 Set
         1964-65 GM A-body Skylark / GS- Front Drum / Rear Drum 3  1968 GM A-body Skylark / GS - Front Disc Single Piston Calipers  73-74 Omega Drum Brake
         hose set. For factory cars that have front drum brakes.  / Rear Drum 3 hose set. For cars that have converted to
                                              aftermarket disc brakes.             Pn# - OCN1010A - 8pc $39.00 Set
                                                                                   1969-74 GM X-body Nova, 71-74 Ventura, 73-74 Apollo / Omega -
                                                                                   Front Drum / Rear Drum 3 hose set. This is  for cars with front
                                                                                   drum and rear drum brakes.

           64-65 Skylark Disc Single               68 Skylark Disc Dual
         Pn# - OBH1002A - 14pc $59.00 Set
         1964-65 GM A-body Skylark / GS- Front Disc Single Piston  Pn# - OBH1008A - 8pc $43.00 Set
         Calipers / Rear Drum 3 hose set. For cars that have converted to  1968 GM A-body Skylark / GS - Front Disc 4 Piston Calipers /  73-74 Omega Disc Brake
         aftermarket disc brakes.             Rear Drum 3 hose set. For cars that have factory disc brakes - 4
                                              piston calipers.                     Pn# - OCN1011A - 12pc $50.00 Set
                                                                                   1969-74 GM X-body Nova, 71-74 Ventura, 73-74 Apollo / Omega -
                                                                                   Front Disc / Rear Drum 3 hose set. This is  for cars with front
                                                                                   disc brake conversions using single piston calipers or factory
                                                                                   disc brakes.

           66-67 Skylark Drum Brake            69-72 Skylark Drum Brake
         Pn# - OBH1003A - 8pc $41.00 Set      Pn# - OBH1009A - 8pc $43.00 Set
         1966-67 GM A-body Skylark / GS- Front Drum / Rear Drum 3  1969-72 GM A-body Skylark / GS - Front Drum / Rear Drum 3
         hose set. For factory cars that have front drum brakes.  hose set. For factory cars that have front drum brakes.
                                                                                     75-78 Omega Disc Brake
                                                                                   Pn# - OCN1012A - 12pc $50.00 Set
                                                                                   1975-78 GM X-body Nova, 75-78 Ventura / Phoenix, 75-78 Buick
                                                                                   Skylark / Apollo, 75-78 Oldsmobile Omega - Front Disc / Rear
                                                                                   Drum 3 hose set. This is  for cars with front disc brakes.

           66-67 Skylark Disc Single            69-72 Skylark Disc Brake
         Pn# - OBH1004A - 12pc $49.00 Set     Pn# - OBH1010A -12pc $50.00 Set
         1966-67 GM A-body Skylark / GS - Front Disc Single Piston  1969-72 GM A-body Skylark / GS - Front Disc / Rear Drum 3
         Calipers / Rear Drum 3 hose set. For cars that have converted to  hose set. This is  for cars with front disc brake conversions using
         aftermarket disc brakes.             single piston calipers or factory disc brakes.
                                                                                       79 Omega Disc Brake
                                                                                   Pn# - OCN1013A - 12pc $50.00 Set
                                                                                   1979 GM X-body Chevrolet Nova, 79 Pontiac Phoenix, 79 Buick
                                                                                   Skylark, 79 Oldsmobile Omega - Front Disc / Rear Drum 3 hose
                                                                                   set. This is  for cars with front disc brakes metric 10mm caliper.

          67 Skylark Disc Dual Brake                                                       New Products In Red
         Pn# - OBH1005A - 8pc $43.00 Set        73-78 Century Disc Brake                  Before you restore, pick up one of
         1966-67 GM A-body Skylark / GS - Front Disc 4 Piston Calipers /  Pn# - OBH1012A - 12pc $50.00 Set  our vehicle specific catalogs.
         Rear Drum 3 hose set. For cars that have factory disc brakes - 4  1973-78 GM A-body Skylark / GS - Front Disc / Rear Drum 3
         piston calipers.                     hose set. This is  for cars with factory disc brakes.  Download at

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