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            Tube Nut Identification                                                                             Page
            A few component combinations and fitting references
          3/8-24 3/16"tube
          TN-1      TN-5  Green  TN-12 Gold                Green  TN-5                TN-12 Gold
                    1/2-20 3/16"tube 7/16-24 1/4"tube
           Gold                                   Blue    1/2-20 3/16"tube            7/16-24 1/4"tube
                                               9/16-18 1/4"tube           Brake Fluid
                      Proportioning Valve       To convert to 3/16" tube  TN-1  Warning Block  TN-1 Gold
                             1971-88            to 1/4" tube use  3/8-24                   3/8-24 3/16"tube
                                                adapterAD-3 with
                                                TN-12 tube nut.  3/16"tube  1967-70
            TN-1     Gold                                      Gold
            3/8-24 3/16"tube        Gm Master Cylinder 1967-90                   Gm Master Cylinder Late
             GM Components                                     Note:
                                      Green      Blue          When ordering tube nuts,  Olive  Orange
            Most aftermarket components                        be sure to check the nut
            are based on the GM factory                        or component with a die
            component, such as Corvette                        or thread gauge. These
            master cylinder and prop valve.                    drawings are only a  TN-7     TN-13
            See chart on tube nut page to  TN-5  TN-14         guide and may vary.
            cross reference nuts.                                           9/16-18 3/16"tube  1/2-20 1/4"tube
                              1/2-20 3/16"tube  1/2-20 3/16"tube
                Most components, such as wheel cylinders and brake calipers, use a TN-1.
          3/8-24 3/16"tube       TN-6  Red
                       TN-1 Gold
           TN-1     3/8-24 3/16"tube  7/16-24 3/16"tube               Residual  Pressure Valve
            Gold                                  Olive       3/8-24 3/16"tube
                                                  TN-7                                     Adjustable Proportioning
                      Proportioning Valve                       TN-1                       Valve
                              1971-88                         ADT-11
                                                To convert to 3/16" tube  3/16  tube applications
                                                to 1/4" tube use  3/8-24 3/16"tube  3/8-24 3/16"tube
             TN-1     Gold                      adapterAD-3 with
                                                TN-12 tube nut.
             3/8-24 3/16"tube         Ford Master Cylinder      TN-1                   TN-1
            Ford Components            Olive     Gold                   When using 1/4 tube replace
            Most non-factory components  Green    Red                   ADT-11 with ADT-12 & TN-1
                                                                        with TN-12
            are designed to use pipe
            thread, so these will require
            adapters to convert from pipe                         Non Factory
            thread to inverted flare.                         Most non-factory components
                                    TN-7       TN-1                                        TN-1                 TN-1
                                9/16-18 3/16"tube  3/8-24 3/16"tube  are designed to use pipe  ADT-11         ADT-11
            Note: Most  components   TN-5      TN-6           thread, so these will require  3/8-24 3/16"tube  3/8-24 3/16"tube
                                                              adapters to convert from pipe
            such as wheel cylinders,  1/2-20 3/16"tube 7/16-24 3/16"tube  thread to inverted flare.
            brake calipers, use a TN-1.   TN-12              3/8-24 3/16"tube Hold off  Valve
         Identification  TN-1 Line tee 3/16 tube  TN-12 Line tee 1/4 tube  ADT-11      3/8-24 3/16"tube
                                   To convert any 1/4 tube
                                                                                           ADT-11 with ADT-12 & TN-1
             side to 1/4 tube use
         Nut  To convert any 3/16 tube  side to 3/16 tube use  3/8-24 3/16"tube            When using 1/4 tube replace
                                   adapter ADT-10 with TN-1.
                                                                                           with TN-12
             adapter ADT-9 with TN-12
                                      Mopar Master Cylinder
                                                                                                      3/8-24 3/16"tube
         Tube  Mopar Component        Dk. Blue Violet                                                      ADT-11
            Most non-factory components                              Non Factory           Thru  the frame fitting
            are designed to use pipe                             Most non-factory components
            thread, so these will require                        are designed to use pipe    Note: Most  components such
            adapters to convert from pipe  TN-8  TN-9            thread, so these will require  as: wheel cylinders, brake
            thread to inverted flare.                            adapters to convert from pipe  calipers, use a TN-1 3/8-24.
                               9/16-20 3/16"tube  1/2-20 3/16"tube  thread to inverted flare.
                                               Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                             Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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