Page 104 - Pontiac Catalog
P. 104
Pontiac - Bonneville / Grandville
Preformed Line Sets
1966 Pontiac Bonneville 1969-70 Pontiac Bonneville
Brake Lines Stainless OE Steel Brake Lines Stainless OE Steel
PBB6601 Manual Drum Brake Line Set 6pc $179.00 $155.00 PBB6901 1969 Power Drum Brake Set $179.00 $155.00
PBB6602 Power Drum Brake Line Set 7pc $179.00 $155.00 Hardtop 7pc
BLK401 1966 Pont Single Mast. Brass BLK N/A $24.00 PBB6902 1969 Power Disc Brake Set $179.00 $155.00
PBB6603 Manual Drum, Dual Master/Disc Brake Conversion Hardtop 8pc
Brake Line Set 8pc $185.00 $155.00 PBB6903 1969 Power Drum Brake Set $179.00 $155.00
PBB6604 Power Drum, Dual Master/Disc Brake Conversion Convertible 7pc
Brake Line Set 8pc $185.00 $155.00 PBB6904 1969 Power Disc Brake Set $179.00 $155.00
BLK402 1966 Pont Conversion Brass BLK N/A $39.00 Convertible 8pc
Main Fuel Lines PBB7001 1970 Power Drum Brake Set $179.00 $155.00
PBF6601 Tank to Pump 3/8", Hardtop $110.00 $79.00 PBB7002 Hardtop 7pc $179.00 $155.00
1970 Power Disc Brake Set
PBF6602 Tank to Pump 5/16", Hardtop $110.00 $79.00 Hardtop 8pc
PBF6603 Fuel Return Line 1/4", Hartop $110.00 $79.00 PBB7003 1970 Power Drum Brake Set $179.00 $155.00
Transmission Lines Convertible 7pc
PBT6601 Trans Cooler Lines 3/8" 2pc Set $75.00 $50.00 PBB7004 1970 Power Disc Brake Set $179.00 $155.00
Engine Lines Tri-power Convertible 8pc
PBE6601 1966 Tri-Power Lines $35.00 $28.00 Fuel Lines
3pc Set Rear 105 Fitting PBF6901 1970 Main Fuel Line Conv 3/8" $110.00 $79.00
PBE6602 1966 Tri-Power Choke Tubes 2pc $25.00 $18.00 PBF6902 1970 Fuel Return Line Conv 1/4" $110.00 $79.00
Engine Lines V8-4bbl PBF6903 1969 Trunk Vent Tube $22.00 $18.00
PBE6503 1965 4bbl Carb Line 1pc $25.00 $20.00 Transmission Lines
PBE6504 1965-66 4bbl Choke Tubes $25.00 $20.00 PBT6901 Transmission Cooler Lines $75.00 $50.00
PBE6505 1965-66 4bbl Carb to Booster $18.00 $16.00 Turbo 350-400, 2pc Set, with AC
PBE6506 1965-66 4bbl Trans Mod Line $35.00 $25.00 PBT6902 Transmission Cooler Lines $75.00 $50.00
Engine Lines V8-2bbl Turbo 350-400, 2pc Set, with out AC
PBE6507 1965-66 2bbl Carb to Booster $18.00 $16.00 PBT6903 Trans Modulator Line T-350 2bbl $35.00 $25.00
PBE6508 1965-66 2bbl Trans Mod Line $35.00 $25.00 PBT6905 Trans Modulator Line T-350 4bbl $35.00 $25.00
PBT6904 Trans Modulator Line T-400 4bbl $35.00 $25.00
1967-68 Pontiac Bonneville PBT6906 Trans Modulator Line T-400 2bbl $35.00 $25.00
Brake Lines Stainless OE Steel Engine Lines
PBB6701 Manual Drum Brake Line Set 7pc $179.00 $155.00 PBE6901 1969 Pump to Carb Line,4bbl V8 $25.00 $20.00
PBB6702 Power Drum Brake Line Set 7pc $179.00 $155.00 Passenger Side of Water Neck
PBB6703 Power Disc Brake Line Set 8pc $179.00 $155.00 PBE7001 1970 Pump to Carb Line,4bbl V8 $25.00 $20.00
Main Fuel Lines Passenger Side of Water Neck
PBF6701 Main Fuel Line Tank to Pump 3/8" $110.00 $79.00 PBE6902 1969 Pump to Carb Line,2bbl V8 $25.00 $20.00
PBF6702 Main Fuel Line Tank to Pump 5/16" $110.00 $79.00 PBE7002 1970 Pump to Carb Line,2bbl V8 $25.00 $20.00
PBF6703 Fuel Return Line 1/4" $110.00 $79.00 PBE6907 1968-69 4bbl V8 Carb Vacuum $25.00 $20.00
Trans Cooler Lines to Manifold with Mounting Clip - Automatic Trans
PBT6701 Power Glide, 2pc Set, 3/8" $75.00 $50.00 PBE6908 1968-69 2bbl V8 Carb Vacuum $16.00 $12.00
67 Engine Lines 4bbl AFB carb
PLE6701 1967 400 cid 4bbl Carb Line Roch $25.00 $20.00 Our attention to detail has
PLE6714 1967 400 cid 4bbl Carb Line AFB $25.00 $20.00
PBE6702 1967 400, 4bbl Choke Tubes 2pc $25.00 $20.00 made us the best in the indus-
PBE6703 1967 400, 4bbl Carb to Booster $18.00 $16.00 try. Our restoration projects
PBE6704 1967 400, 4bbl Trans Mod Line $25.00 $20.00 allow us to pass our technical
67 Engine Lines 2bbl knowledge on to you.
PBE6705 1967 Pump to Carb 400cid, 2bbl $30.00 $25.00
PBE6706 1967 400, 2bbl Choke Tubes 2pc $25.00 $20.00
PBE6707 1967 400, 2bbl Carb to Booster $18.00 $16.00 Inline Tube has all the
PBE6708 1967 400, 2bbl Trans Mod Line $25.00 $20.00 valves for your classic.
68 Engine Lines Rebuilding is costly and
PBE6801 1968 2 bbl V8 Carb Line $25.00 $20.00 only as good as the original
PBE6803 1968 2 bbl V8 Trans Mod Line $35.00 $25.00
PBE6802 1968 4bbl V8 Carb Line $25.00 $20.00 part. Now you can buy new
PBE6804 1968 4bbl V8 Trans Mod Line $35.00 $25.00 at a fraction of the cost.
PLE6906 1968-69 4bbl V8 Carb Vacuum $25.00 $20.00