Page 177 - Pontiac Catalog
P. 177

Pontiac Under Hood - Cowl / Firewall

          Cowl /  Firewall

                                              INL13081          INL13082           INL15306         INL11131
          64-70 Battery Cable Spring Rings       R59 Top Battery Topper             1964-67 GTO  Battery Tray
         Pn# - INL11731 - Set  $37.50 Ea      Pn# - INL13081 - 1pc  $49.00 Ea      Pn# - INL15307 -1pc   $18.50 Ea
         64-67 GTO/Lemans Battery Cable Spring Ring Neg, V8.  1966-72 GM R-59 Top Post Battery Topper. Post holes 8 1/4" on  1964-67  Tempest, GTO,  Le Mans Battery Tray. Factory Exact.
         Pn# - INL11735 - Set  $37.50 Ea      center, inside Dim 10 5/16" x 6 15/16", outside 10 1/16" x 7 1/16"
         68-69 GTO/Lemans Battery Cable Spring Ring Neg, V8.  R89 Side Battery Topper  68-72 GTO Battery Tray
         Pn# - INL11737 - Set  $37.50 Ea                                          Pn# - INL11131 -1pc   $18.00 Ea
         70 GTO/Lemans Battery Cable Sprg Ring Neg, V8 W/O Ram Air.  Pn# - INL13082 - 1pc  $49.00 Ea  1968-72 Pontiac GTO, LeMans, Tempest Battery Tray - All V8
         Pn# - INL11738 - Set  $37.50 Ea      1969-75 GM R-89 Side Mount Battery Topper. Inside Dim 10 5/  cars. Mounts in the driver side front fender.
                                              16" x 6 15/16" and outside 10 1/16" x 7 1/16"
         70 GTO/Lemans Battery Cable SprgRing Neg, V8 With Ram Air.                  68-72 Battery Hold Down
         Pn# - INL11739 - Set  $37.50 Ea                                           1970-80 Firebird Battery Tray
         64 GTO/Lemans Battery Cable Sprg Ring Pos, V8 - Battery to                Pn# - INL15306 -1pc   $16.00 Ea
         Fender Mounted Junction Block.                                            1970-80 Firebird/Trans Am/ Formula Battery Tray. Factory Exact.
         Pn# - INL11740 - Set  $37.50 Ea
         64 GTO/Lemans Battery Cable Spring Ring Pos, V8 - Fender
         Mounted Junction Block to Starter.
         Pn# - INL11741 - Set  $37.50 Ea
         65-67& 1968 (68 W/O HO Ram Air Only) GTO/Lemans Bat Cable
         Sprg Ring Pos, V8 W/O Power Options.     Neg Post Battery Tag             INL10361                 INL10362
         Pn# - INL11742 - Set  $37.50 Ea      Pn# - INL10572 -1pc   $7.50Ea.
         65-67 GTO/Lemans Bat Cable Spring Ring Pos, V8 W/Power  1965-71 Neg Post Battery Warning Tag -All GM Models.  68-72 Battery Tray Bolts
         Options.                             Placed over negative post on the battery below the battery cable.  Pn# - INL10361-5pc   $7.00 Set
         Pn# - INL11746 - Set  $37.50 Ea
         67 GTO/Lemans Bat Cable Sprg Ring Pos, V8 W/Power Options                1968-72 Pontiac GTO Battery Tray Mounting Kit.
         & HO Ram Air.
         Pn# - INL11748 - Set  $37.50 Ea                                          Pn# - INL10362-2pc     $4.00 Set
         67 GTO/Lemans Bat Cable Sprg  Ring Pos V8 W/Power Options                1968-72 Pontiac GTO Battery Tray Mounting Clip Hardware.
         & HO Ram Air.                                Bottom           Top
         Pn# - INL11749 - Set  $37.50 Ea
         68 GTO/Lemans Bat Cable Sprg Ring Pos, V8 W/O HO Ram Air.
         Pn# - INL11750 - Set  $37.50 Ea      72-81 Side Post Battery Cap
         68 & 70 GTO/Lemans Bat Cbl Sprg Ring Pos, V8 W/HO Ram Air.  Pn# - INL10470 -1pc  $12.00 Ea
         1969 W/O Ram Air                                                                  INL12863         INL14977
         Pn# - INL11752 - Set  $37.50 Ea      1972-81 GM Side Post Battery Postive Cover 1pc. These were on
                                              every 72  and newer hooked to the battery cable.  Pn# - INL12863 -  1pc  $16.00 Ea
         69 GTO/Lemans Bat Cable Spring Ring Pos, V8 W/HO Ram Air.
         Pn# - INL11753 - Set  $37.50 Ea                                           1964-Early 1967  Pontiac, GTO, Rubber Caoted Battery Hold
         70 GTO/Lemans Bat Cable Spring Ring Pos, V8 Wi/O Ram Air.                 Down Clamp. Used to bolt the battery in the tray.
                                                                                   Pn# INL14977 -1pc     $6.50 ea
                                                                                   1968-72 GM Battery Hold Down Clamp - Black powder coated.

                                                 68-72 Battery Cable Clip
                                              Pn# - INL11174 -1 pc   $3.00 Ea
           Factory OEM Wiring Tape            1968-72 GTO, P-4007 Black Batter Cable Clip. Used to hold the  Battery Hold Down Bolt
         Pn# - INL10377 -2Rolls  $12.95       battery cables together on the inner fender - Plastic straps 3.75".  Pn# - INL13293 - 1pc  $2.25 Ea
         GM Factory OEM Wiring Harness Tape - 1inch wide x 100 feet.               1966-81 GM 1 1/2" Battery Tray Hold Down Bolt. Used to hold the
         This is the non adhesive smooth tape used on all wiring.                  battery to the tray.

                                                    Wire / Cable Strap
               Cloth Wiring Tape              Pn# - INL10758 -1pc   $3.00 ea        Neg. Battery Cable Washer
                                              64-72 GM A-body, Wire / Cable Strap. GM cars used this strap in
         Pn# - INL11306 -1Roll  $12.95 Ea     wiring and to hold cables together. Also on GTO 70-72 fuel lines.  Pn# - INL10241 -2pc   $5.00 Set
         GM / Mopar Factory OEM Cloth Electrical Wiring Tape 1"x 82ft.  More Battery Tubes in the  64-79 Pontiac Negative Battery Cable Nut and Star Washer. This
         Cloth friction tape that was used all over cars from the 60's & 70's      hardware grounds the negative battery cable to the engine block.
                                                   starter page PG E03             Factory correct hardware with silver zinc plating.
         on wiring and battery cables.

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