Page 209 - Pontiac Catalog
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Pontiac Engine  - Power Brakes

          Pontiac Engine

                                                     INL14470          INL14378

                                               64-66  Brake Tube Support                                    INL10189
          64-66 GTO Power Brake Set
         Pn# - INL14805 - Set  $26.00 Ea      Pn# - INL14470 - 1pc  $6.50 Each         Booster Check Valve
                                              1964-66 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans Power Brake Carb to Booster
         1964-66 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans Tri - Power with Power Brake  Metal Vacuum Line Valve Cover Support Bracket. Located on the  Pn# - INL10188   $7.50 Ea
         Front Carb to Booster Aluminum Vacuum Line With Hose, Clamps  drive side inside rear valve cover bolt. Holds line & hose.  67-81 GM Booster Check Valve - 1pc.
         & Fittigs. Runs from front carb to connect booster Vacuum line.
                                                 67  Brake Tube Support            Pn# - INL10189        $3.00 Ea
                                              Pn# - INL14378 - 1pc  $6.50 Each     67-81 GM Booster Check Valve to Booster Grommet - 1pc.
                                                                                   Pn# - INL10190
                                                                                                         $9.50 Ea
                                              1967 Only Pontiac, GTO, Lemans Power Brake Carb to Booster
                                              Metal Vacuum Line Valve Cover Support Bracket. Located on the  67-81 GM Booster Check Valve & Grommet - 2pc.
                                              drive side inside rear valve cover bolt. Holds line & hose.
         64-66 GTO Power Brake Tube
         Pn# - PLE6505 - OE    $12.00 Ea       INL13716
         Pn# - SPLE6505 - SS   $16.00 Ea
         1964-66 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans Tri - Power with Power Brake  Pinch Clamp for 3/8 Hose
         Front Carb to Booster Metal Vacuum Line. Runs from front carb to
         connect power booster Vacuum line.   Pn# - INL13716 - 2pc  $2.50 Set
                                              1955-1988 Clamp for 3/8" Fuel,  crimp with side cutter pliers.  Booster Vacuum Line
                                                                                   Pn# - INL10193 -4pc   $7.00 Set
                                                                                   68-81 Pontiac GTO, Firebird Booster to Carb Vacuum Line and
                                                                                   Clamps. Runs from back of carb to booster.

         64-66 GTO Power Brake Tube
         Pn# - PLE6413 - OE    $10.00 Ea        Pinch Clamp for 5/8 O.D.
         Pn# - SPLE6413 - SS   $16.00 Ea      Pn# - INL14418 - 1pc  $2.00 Ea
         1964-66 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans V8 4bbl Power Brake Carb to
         Booster Metal Vacuum Line. Screws into back of carb base plate  1964-77 Pontiac Pinch Clamp for O.D. 5/8" to Hold Vacuum
                                              Booster Line to Stand Up Bracket.  Black Pinch Clamp.
         to connect power booster Vacuum line.
                                                                                            Booster Hose
                                                                                   Pn# - INL13386 - 5pc  $23.00 Set
                                                                                   1964-88 Chevrolet (All Models) Power Brake Booster Vaccum
                   INL14376        INL15215A   INL10688                            Hose Kit. Hose 22" - GM part# 5461299 valve, 5461808 grommet,
                                                                                   3829058 clip, 3715073 hose - Cut hose if necessary - Runs From
          67 GTO Power Brake Fitting                                  INL10689     Booster to Hard Line
         Pn# - INL14376 - 1pc  $29.00 Each
         1967 Only Pontiac, GTO, Lemans 4bbl Power Brake Carb Booster  68-74 Carb Vacuum Fitting
         Vacuum Fitting. Screws into back of carb base plate to connect
         power booster line.                  Pn# - INL10688 - 1pc  $16.00  Ea.
          Pontiac Intake / Carb Fitting       1968-74 Pontiac 4 bbl Carburater Vacuum Fitting. Used on all
                                              power brake cars, 2 small ports - see note below.
         Pn# - INL15215A- 1pc  $8.00 Ea       Pn# - INL10689 - 1pc  $16.00  Ea.
         1968-74 Pontiac (all Models) Carb Fitting for Power Brakes.  1968-74 Pontiac 4 bbl Carburetor Vacuum Fitting. Used on all  GM Brake Booster Tags
         Fitting at the back of the carb for power brake booster vacuum  power brake cars,1 small ports - see note below.
         Hose.1/8" Pipe, Brass, 3/8 Hose Nipple.                                   GM Booster Tags  These are the thick cardboard tags that were
                                              Note: This fitting was used on all power brake cars. The fitting  between the booster check valve and the vacuum hose. They had a
                                              with 2 small ports was used on AC & automatic trans, automatic  2 letter code depending on year make and model so the assembly
                                              with hide-a-way headlights or Manual trans with AC and hide-a-  line worker could identify the different part for the different brake
                                              way. The single port fitting was used on all manual trans cars with  options. This is a great detailing item and is always deteriorated.
                                              hide-a-ways or AC but not both.
                                               1. Automatic trans used one port.   Part #  Description         Price
                                               2. Air Conditioning used one port.  INL10245 68-72 A-Body Booster Tag WK  $6.00
                                               3. Hide-a-way headlights used one port.  INL10246 68-72 A-Body Booster Tag EA  $6.00
          67 GTO Power Brake Tube             If you had any of each of the three it used one port.  INL10247 68-72 A-Body Booster Tag PB  $6.00
                                              If you had 2 out of the three it used 2 ports.
                                              If you had 3 out of three it used 2 ports and one was split off the
         Pn# - INL14377 - 1pc  $9.50 Each     hose to create the third vacuum source.      Made By Inline Tube
         1967 Only Pontiac, GTO, Lemans 4bbl Power Brake Carb to
         Booster Metal Vacuum Line. Screws into back of carb base plate  For New Products See
         fitting to connect power booster Vacuum line. PLE6705         New Products In Red

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