Page 351 - Pontiac Catalog
P. 351

Pontiac Front End Sheet Metal Hardware

          Factory Correct Front End Hardware
                         H                                    I            H

                                   F                                   F
                              E                                   E
         68-69 GTO Fender Hardware            70-72 GTO Fender Hardware             1964-74 Inner Fender Clips
                                                                                   Pn# - INL12543 - 40 pc $24.00 Set
            E                                    E                                 1964-81 Pontiac Front Fender to Inner Fender Clips and #14
                                                                                   Screws. These are the #14 screw and clips that are used in
                                                                                   countless locations on Pontiac's. This is the smaller body bolt
                                                                                   size with a 3/8" hex head.

         Pn# - INL10345 -20pc  $19.50 Set     Pn# - INL10852 -20pc  $24.00 Set
         1968-69 GTO Front Fender to Inner Fender Bolts & Plastic Inserts.  1970-72 GTO Front Fender to Inner Fender Bolts & Clips.
         Used to hold the fender to inner fender for both sides of the car.  Used to hold the fender to inner fender for both sides of the car.
                F                                    F
                                                                                     68-72 A-body Cowl Plugs
                                                                                   Pn# - INL12129 - 4pc  $5.00 Set
                                                                                   1968-72 GM A-body (Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS), Top of Cowl
                                                                                   Plastic Plugs. Used at the ends of the cowl as drain plugs.
         Pn# - INL10351 -8pc  $12.00 Set      Pn# - INL10351 8pc    $12.00 Set
         1968-72 GTO Front Inner Fender to Cowl at Rear of Inner Fender.  1968-72 GTO Front inner fender to cowl @ rear of inner fender.
         Holds inner fender to cowl with special thick large washers.  Holds inner fender to cowl with special thick large washers.
          G                                    G

                  Style 1
                                    Style 2
                                                                                     68-72 A-body Cowl Bolts
          Pn# - INL10349 -12pc  $19.50 Set                                         Pn# - INL12130 - 6pc  $12.00 Set
          1968-69 GTO Front Top or Inner Fender to Top of Fenders -
          Style 1 with fine bolt and round clip nut for both sides.                1964-72 GM A-body (Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS), Cowl to fender
          Pn# - INL10350 -12pc  $19.50 Set    Pn# - INL10853 18pc   $18.00 Set     bolts. Used to hold the fender to the cowl.
          1968-69 GTO Front Top or Inner Fender to Top of Fenders -  1970-72 GTO Front top or inner fender to top of fenders with fine
          Style 2 with coarse bolt and square clip nut for both sides.  bolt and long square clip nut for both sides 18 pc
             H                                    H

          Pn# - INL10346 -12pc  $24.50 Set     Pn# - INL10346 -12pc  $24.50 Set
          1968-72 GTO Front Fenders to Cowl Bolts - With .120 thick  1968-72 GTO Front Fenders to Cowl Bolts - With .120 thick
          shims, large washer bolts and correct pontiac only shims.  shims, large washer bolts and correct pontiac only shims.
                                                                                    1969 Royal Bobcat GTO restored using
                                                                                           Inline Tube products
                 I                                    I

         Pn# - INL10155 -10pc  $11.00 Set     Pn# - INL10155 -10pc  $11.00 Set
         1968-72 GTO Inner Fender Plastic Plugs. These are the black  1968-72 GTO Inner Fender Plastic Plugs. These are the black
         plastic plugs that are located in the top of the firewall cowl and in  plastic plugs that are located in the top of the firewall cowl and in
         the innerfender holes that are not being used.  the innerfender holes that are not being used.  Inline tubes is located in the Motor City.

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