Page 368 - Pontiac Catalog
P. 368
Pontiac Trunk Items
INL14790 INL14791 INL14794 INL14795 INL14784 INL14785
68 GTO Trunk Mat - Grey
Pn# - INL14794 - 1pc $36.00 Ea Spare Tire Cover - Grey
1968 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Vinyl Felt Backed Trunk
64-66 GTO Trunk Mat - Grey Mat, 1 Piece. Grey Houndstooth, These mats match our felt Pn# - INL14784 - 1pc $29.00 Ea
backed Spare tire covers.
Pn# - INL14790 - 1pc $38.00 Ea 68 GTO Trunk Mat - Aqua 1964-72 GM Spair Tire Cover, Grey Houndstooth, Snug Fit no
elastic band. Perfect Fit on all original style tires, E, F, G-Height
1964-66 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Vinyl Felt Backed Trunk tires, both 14" &15" rims - or overall tire height of 26.20" to 27.5"
Mat, 2 Piece. Grey Houndstooth, These mats match our felt Pn# - INL14795 - 1pc $36.00 Ea These covers match our felt backed trunk mats. (NOT Rubber)
backed Spare tire covers. 1968 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Vinyl Felt Backed Trunk Spare Tire Cover - Aqua
64-66 GTO Trunk Mat - Aqua Mat, 1 Piece. Aqua Houndstooth, These mats match our felt
backed Spare tire covers. Pn# - INL14785 - 1pc $29.00 Ea
Pn# - INL14791 - 1pc $38.00 Ea 68 GTO Trunk Mat - Grey 1964-72 GM Spair Tire Cover, Aqua Houndstooth, Snug Fit no
1964-66 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Vinyl Felt Backed Trunk elastic band. Perfect Fit on all original style tires, E, F, G-Height
Mat, 2 Piece. Aqua Houndstooth, These mats match our felt Pn# - INL14800 - 1pc $42.00 Ea tires, both 14" &15" rims - or overall tire height of 26.20" to 27.5"
backed Spare tire covers. These covers match our felt backed trunk mats. (NOT Rubber)
1968 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Printed Vinyl Rubber
64-66 GTO Trunk Mat - Grey Backed Trunk Mat, 1 Piece. Grey Houndstooth. Higher quality
stiffer rubber backed - but do not match spare tire cover material.
Pn# - INL14796 - 1pc $42.00 Ea 68 GTO Trunk Mat - Aqua INL14787 INL14788
1964-66 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Printed Vinyl Rubber
Backed Trunk Mat, 2 Piece. Grey Houndstooth. Higher quality Pn# - INL14801 - 1pc $42.00 Ea
stiffer rubber backed - but do not match spare tire cover material. 1968 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Printed Vinyl Rubber
64-66 GTO Trunk Mat - Aqua Backed Trunk Mat, 1 Piece. Aqua Houndstooth. Higher quality
stiffer rubber backed - but do not match spare tire cover material.
Pn# - INL14797 - 1pc $42.00 Ea
1964-66 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Printed Vinyl Rubber INL11137
Backed Trunk Mat, 2 Piece. Aqua Houndstooth. Higher quality Flat Top Tire Cover - Grey
stiffer rubber backed - but do not match spare tire cover material.
Pn# - INL14787 - 1pc $36.00 Ea
INL14792 INL14793 1964-77 GM Spare Tire Cover, Grey Houndstooth, Snug fit with
INL10314 Lower elastic band and hard board center section. Perfect Fit on
all original style tires, E, F, G-Height tires, both 14" &15" rims -
69-72 GTO Trunk Mat or overall tire height of 26.20" to 27.5" These covers match our felt
backed trunk mats. (NOT Rubber)
Pn# - INL10314 -1pc $39.00 Ea
69-72 Pontiac GTO, LeMans, Tempest Factory Correct Trunk Flat Top Tire Cover - Aqua
Mat. Concours correct color, texture, rubber backing, radius Pn# - INL14788 - 1pc $36.00 Ea
67 GTO Trunk Mat - Grey corners and fit. 1964-77 GM Spair Tire Cover, Aqua Houndstooth, Snug fit with
Pn# - INL14792 - 1pc $36.00 Ea 69-72 Space Saver Mat Lower elastic band and hard board center section. Perfect Fit on
all original style tires, E, F, G-Height tires, both 14" &15" rims -
1967 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Vinyl Felt Backed Trunk Pn# - INL11137 -1pc $65.00 Ea or overall tire height of 26.20" to 27.5" These covers match our felt
Mat, 1 Piece. Grey Houndstooth, These mats match our felt 1969-72 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Grand Prix Trunk Mat. This full backed trunk mats. (NOT Rubber)
backed Spare tire covers. length mat is for cars with the space saver spare tire.
67 GTO Trunk Mat - Aqua INL14802 INL14804
Pn# - INL14793 - 1pc $36.00 Ea
1967 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Vinyl Felt Backed Trunk
Mat, 1 Piece. Aqua Houndstooth, These mats match our felt
backed Spare tire covers.
67 GTO Trunk Mat - Grey
Pn# - INL14798 - 1pc $42.00 Ea 73 GTO Trunk Mat Flat Top Tire Cover - Felt
1967 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Printed Vinyl Rubber Pn# - INL14802 - 1pc $42.00 Ea
Backed Trunk Mat, 1 Piece. Grey Houndstooth. Higher quality 1973-74 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Green/Grey Felt Pn# - INL14789 - 1pc $36.00 Ea
stiffer rubber backed - but do not match spare tire cover material. Rubber Backed Trunk Mat, 1 Piece. Higher quality stiffer rubber 1964-75 GM Spair Tire Cover, Grey/Green Felt, Snug fit with
67 GTO Trunk Mat - Aqua backed - These mats match our felt backed spare tire covers. Lower elastic band and hard board center section. Perfect Fit on
all original style tires, E, F, G-Height tires, both 14" &15" rims -
Pn# - INL14799 - 1pc $42.00 Ea 71-74 Ventura GTO Trunk Mat or overall tire height of 26.20" to 27.5" These covers match our felt
backed trunk mats. (NOT Rubber)
- Grey $42.00 Ea
1967 Pontiac GTO, Lemans, Tempest Printed Vinyl Rubber Pn# - INL14804 - 1pc
Backed Trunk Mat, 1 Piece. Aqua Houndstooth. Higher quality 1971-74 Pontiac Ventura, 74 GTO Green/Grey Felt Rubber
stiffer rubber backed - but do not match spare tire cover material. Backed Trunk Mat, 1 Piece. Higher quality stiffer rubber backed -
These mats match our felt backed spare tire covers. Find us on Facebook
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