Page 68 - Pontiac Catalog
P. 68

Proportioning Valves

          Proportioning Valves & Lines

                    ADJP07           ADJP08
             Adjustable  Valve - Kit
         Pn# - ADJP07 - Black       $115.00    Conversion Valve Bracket                   Valve & Bracket
         Adjustable Proportioning Valve Kit - Black Finish, Valve, Bracket
         and Master Cylinder Lines. Complete Valve Kit.  Pn# - DVD03A - 1Set  $59.00 Ea  Pn# - DVD01A - 1pc  $89.00 Ea
                                              Proportioning Valve,  Bracket & Lines for Disc Brake Conversion,
             Adjustable  Valve - Kit          New Style - Where the valve is mounted on bracket under master.  Disc/Disc Prop Valve Mounted On Brake With Master Cylinder
                                              For valves PR100, PR101, PR102, PR102B.  Lines. Holds The Valve To The Side Of The Master Cylinder.
         Pn# - ADJP08 - Chrome       $115.00
         Adjustable Proportioning Valve Kit - Chrome Finish, Valve,
         Bracket and Master Cylinder Lines. Complete Valve Kit.

                                                    LNK10            LNK11                 LNK12             LNK13
                                               Conversion MC Lines - SS             Conversion MC Lines - SS
                                              Pn# - LNK10 - 1Set    $25.00 Ea      Pn# - LNK12 - 1Set    $25.00 Ea
                                              Stainless Steel Proportioning Valve  Bracket Lines for Disc Brake  Stainless Steel Proportioning Valve  Bracket Lines for Disc Brake
                                              Conversion, New Style - Where the valve is mounted on bracket  Conversion, Old Style - Where the valve is mounted on the bracket
                                              under master. For valves PR100, PR101, PR102, PR102B &  on the side of the master. For valves PR100, PR101, PR102,
           Adjustable  Brk - Stainless        Bracket BRK03A                       PR102B & Bracket BRK01
         Pn# - LNK16 - Set - SS    $16.00      Conversion MC Lines - OE             Conversion MC Lines - OE
         Adjustable Proportioning Valve Stainless Lines, These run from  Pn# - LNK11 - 1Set  $18.00 Ea  Pn# - LNK13 - 1Set  $18.00 Ea
         the master Cylinder to the Adjustable Prop Valve. All GM  OE Steel Proportioning Valve  Bracket Lines for Disc Brake  OE Steel Proportioning Valve  Bracket Lines for Disc Brake
                                              Conversion, New Style - Where the valve is mounted on bracket  Conversion, Old Style - Where the valve is mounted on the bracket
                                              under master. For valves PR100, PR101, PR102, PR102B &  on the side of the master. For valves PR100, PR101, PR102,
                                              Bracket BRK03A                       PR102B & Bracket BRK01

             BRK12          BRK11
          Adjustable  Bracket - Black
         Pn# - BRK12 - EA - BLK       $18.00
         Adjustable Proportioning Valve Bracket - Black Finish, Used to
         Hold Valve Under The Master Cylinder.
           Adjustable  Brk - Stainless         Conversion Valve Bracket             Conversion Valve Bracket
         Pn# - BRK11 - EA - SS    $18.00      Pn# - BRK03A - 1pc    $12.00 Ea      Pn# - BRK01 - 1pc    $12.00 ea
                                              Proportioning Valve Bracket For Disc Brake Conversion, New  Proportioning Valve Bracket (Old Style) For Disc Brake
         Adjustable Proportioning Valve - Stainless, Used to Hold Valve  Style - Where the valve is mounted on bracket under master. For  Conversion - where the valve is mounted on bracket at side of
         Under The Master Cylinder.           valves PR100, PR101, PR102, PR102B.  master. For Valves PR100, PR101, PR102, PR102B.

                                                      MST01              MST02
                                                   Master Valve Combo                     Valve & Bracket
                Valve & Bracket               Pn# - MST01 - 1pc    $129.95 Ea
         Pn# - DVD-05 - 1pc    $89.00 Ea      Master Cylinder -  Disc Brake Conversion Master Cylinder, Prop  Pn# - DVD02 - 1pc  $89.00 Ea
                                                                                   1971-1972 Chevy/GMC Truck Brass Valve, Lines and Bracket - 67-
         1971-1981 GM F-body, 71-79 X-body Disc/Drum Proporioning  Valve, Lines And Braket For Disc/Drum Brakes.  70 Conversion to factory Style Disc Brakes - This set includes the
         Valve/Bracket Set  - This set includes the prop valve, bracket and        prop valve, bracket and master.
         master cylinder lines.               Pn# - MST-02 - 1pc   $129.95 Ea
                                              Master Cylinder -  Disc Brake Conversion Master Cylinder, Prop  Inline Tube is on the internet
          Inline Tube makes thousands         Valve, Lines And Braket For Disc/Drum Brakes.
          of computer precision parts.         Parts are always in STOCK       

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