Page 4 - NuLook & Park Lane March 19
P. 4

Minimum Lending Criteria &

                               Important Information

                                   Minimum Lending Criteria:

            Check that the Applicant:
            1)  Is age 18 or over and under 80 at the Date of Application
            2)  Must be the Home Owner
            3) Works in the UK for at least 16 hours per week as an Employee or as Self-Employed (Business Details Required) and have
            been doing so continuously for at least the last six months.
            4) Or is Retired with an Income other than State Pensions (Previous Employment Details Required)
            5) Is paying the appropriate National Insurance and Income Tax.
            6) Is a Permanent UK Resident - Minimum 1 Year
            7) Is able to pay By Direct-Debit & Bank Account supplied must be the applicants
            8) Is purchasing the Product for their own personal use. (i.e. NO 3 party applications)
            9) Will NOT be using the product for business purposes.(i.e. NO Landlord, nor Holiday homes that let out)
            Applicant must also:
            Have the Goods Delivered to the Address on the Agreement  OR
            If the Goods are NOT delivered to the Address on the Credit Agreement, provide the following with the Application:-
            1.  The Delivery Address
            2.  Proof of Current Residence (see Section 3)
            •  Holiday homes for personal use are acceptable (must use main address for the application, with the holiday home as a
               different delivery address).
            •  If the customer is moving to another address, propose the application at the current address, again adding the new address
               as the ‘delivery address’.

                                      Proof of Identification:

             Proof of Signature:
             An Appropriate Proof of Signature is required for ALL APPLICATIONS.
             Acceptable Proof of Signature:
             Code BC – Bank Credit/ Debit Card or Cheque Guarantee card
             Code DL – Driving Licence
             Code PP – Passport
             Code WC – Police Warrant card
             Code IC – HM Forces Identity Card
             Proof of Residence
             When the Goods are Delivered to the Address on the Agreement, Record in the Appropriate Section “01 - Home-Delivery”. No
             Further Proof of Residence is required. If Not, Provide Proof of the Customers Current Residence as follows:
             Acceptable Proof of Residence:
             1) Goods Being Delivered to Customers Home Address
             2) Driving Licence
             3) Bank / Building Society Statement (Dated in Last 3 Months)
             4) Public Utility Bill (Dated in Last 3 Months)
             5) Official Document (Original of: Mortgage statement; Benefit or Pension notification, HM Revenue & Customs Tax notification

                                      For Internal Purposes Only - Not to be Shown to Customers
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