Page 112 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 112


                                                                         REPORT ON THE INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC

          External interventions in response to Covid-19 Pandemic

          Programme        Intervention                     Geographic       No. of        Disaggregation   Total budget   Budget    Contribution   Immediate
                                                            location (Province/  beneficiaries   of Beneficiaries   allocation per   spent   to the Outputs   outcomes
                                                            District/local   (where possible)  (where possible)  intervention   per   in the APP
                                                            municipality)                                   (R’000)       intervention  (where
                                                            (where possible)                                                         applicable)
          Programme 4:     Guidelines for substance abuse    All provinces  All admitted   All admitted     Provincial   Provincial   N/A           Reduction of
          Welfare Services   treatment centres                              service users  service users    budget       budget                     movement into
          Policy                                                                                                                                    treatment
          Development                                                                                                                               centres.
          and                                                                                                                                       Minimised
          Implementation                                                                                                                            number of
          Support                                                                                                                                   infections

                           Dealing and management of trauma –   National    80             78 Social Workers   R450 000.00  R 303 000   N/A         Strengthen
                           Training of Social Workers on trauma                            from  National                00                         capacity of
                           management in the context of                                    DSD as follows:                                          Social Workers
                           Covid-19                                                        NDSD 61 Social
                                                                                           Workers from the
                                                                                           GBVCC including
                                                                                           Social Work interns
                                                                                           funded by NEDLAC
                                                                                           and Solidarity
                                                                                           Fund as well as 17
                                                                                           Social Work Policy

                           Development of Framework on       All provinces   311 Secure    Children and youth  Provincial   Provincial   Monitoring   Welfare and
                           Covid-19 protocol for secure care                 care facilities  in conflict with the  budget  budget    Anti-Gangsteris  safety of
                           centres in line with DSD Covid-19                               law.                                      m Strategy     children
                           regulations and monitoring checklist
                           on compliance with the protocol for
                           preventing Covid-19 infections.

                                                                                   112                            DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21
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