Page 284 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 284


            31 MARCH 2021

            25.    IRREGULAR EXPENDITURE
            25.1   Reconciliation of irregular expenditure

                                                                     Note     2020/21         2019/20
                                                                               R’000           R’000

                    Opening balance                                               10 599           8 664
                    Prior period error                                                 -           (321)
                    As restated                                                   10 599           8 343
                    Add: Irregular expenditure – relating to current year          3 047           2 278
                    Less: Prior year amounts condoned                             (2 876)           (22)
                    Closing balance                                               10 770          10 599

                    Analysis of closing balance
                    Current year                                                   3 047           2 278
                    Prior years                                                    7 723           8 321
                    Total                                                         10 770          10 599

                    The loss control committee dealt with a large number of cases during the year under review. The
                    increase relates to current cases that are under investigation.

            25.2   Details of current and prior year  irregular expenditure  – added  current year  (under determination
                   and investigation )

                    Incident                       Disciplinary steps taken/criminal        2020/21

                                                   proceedings                               R’000
                    Non-compliance to SCM and order   Cases were identified by the AGSA         3 047
                    number was not issued          during their audit.  The cases will be
                                                   investigated and the necessary
                                                   disciplinary steps will be taken
                                                   against any official found liable for

                    Total                          the irregular expenditure.                  3 047

            25.3   Details of irregular expenditure condoned
                   Incident                        Disciplinary steps taken/criminal        2020/21

                                                   proceedings                               R’000

                    Non-compliance to SCM and order   Referred to Labour relations for further   2 876
                    numbers was not issued prior to   actions to be taken. It will be referred to
                    the services being rendered.   HRM to assist with disciplinary process.
                    Total                                                                      2 876

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