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Man in the Middle Weekly Accountability
What is Man in the Middle? Each week every man is asked to score himself on ten
key areas of his life.
MITM is your chance to pose your questions to the
group. Questions can be about anything meaningful Faith, Wife, Children, Career, Excercise, Finance, Rela-
to you: Family, Business, Personal tionships, Personal Developments, Written Goals, and
On each week’s call, two men will be assigned to be
the Man in the Middle: Each will get about 15 to 20 The goal is for you to pause and evaluate your prog-
minutes. ress or need for improvement.
Please post your questions in the private Facebook These results may be a topic of discussion on the
group 3 days before being MITM to allow your per- weekly call and in the Facebook group.
sonal board of directors an opportunity to prepare.
Weekly summaries of each group are posted in the
You may switch with other men as necessary, but you individual Facebook Groups every Monday at 8am
are responsible for all of the coordination. (Central).
The link for the online form can be found in the week-
Payments ly ISI email and on Facebook, in your individual group
Dues for the Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind group
are $500 per month.
90 Day Sprint
The billing date is based on when you started your
subscription. Each quarter, every man chooses a major task to
complete that will drastically change his business,
All payments are run through Gumroad.
family, or life.
Before each monthly charge, you will get an automat- Men coordinate to share ideas and resources.
ed reminder that you will be charged the next day.
Tracking boards in Trello are visible to those men in
If you need to update, or change, your credit card,
you can do so directly by clicking the link in any of the your group, and others who are working on a similar
emails your receive from Gumroad. project.
You will be automatically notified up to three times if
there is a payment problem, after which time Gum-
road will cancel your subscription and notify both you
and us.
Please ensure your payments are made on time to ☛ View this online for the most up to date version
avoid the unneeded and awkward conversations.