P. 6
Literacy &
Lutino Adunu Community Library / Uganda
The microfinance program
was a great success: Lutino PARTNER
Adunu loaned a total of one
million Uganda shillings
(equivalent to US$40 0 ) each LUTINO ADUNU /
to four women?s savings UGANDA
groups, with the expectation
that the loan would be returned
so that the funds could be such as goat-rearing, small
offered to other groups in the businesses in local markets, and
future. In turn, each group alcohol brewing, among other
Women's Literacy Project / Uganda administered loans to its activities. These initiatives have
WOMENS LITERACY PROJECT / UGANDA individual members, according increased the income level among
to the rules of its charter. One the different women?s groups, and
Working with our partner woman reported ?involving have enabled the groups to repay
Lutino Adunu in post-war myself in the revolving fund's loans efficiently and promptly;
Northern Uganda, the GO collection has saved me so
Fund was the primary funder much. Before I was borrowing 40,000 library
for a local library running loans from a microfinance visitors, 50
innovative literacy programs institution charges high
for women and children, as interest rates on their loans.? microloan groups
well as entrepreneurial and Thanks to our collaboration
microfinance programs for with interest rates of 10 %, the funds
with Lutino Adunu, savings
the women. available continue to grow, making
group members have started
The library - projected to Income Generating Activities larger amounts available in the next
cycle of loans. Individual members
have 30 0 0 visitors in 2016 -
use their business profits for
saw over 90 0 0 people
household expenses such as school
participate in these
fees. Lutino Adunu has since
programs. In total, since
expanded this project to over 31
2014 40,0 0 0 people have
groups. Recently Oxfam picked up
participated in its programs,
the project to fund another 20
including from a broader
groups. We are proud to have laid
community of 16 villages and
the groudwork for such a successful
20 primary and secondary
microloan project.
Women microloan entrepreneurs,/ Uganda