Page 22 - Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering 2021 Annual Report
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FACULTY NEWS NEWS Top row: row: Hillman Radlinska Gayah Guler Memari Bottom row: row: McPhillips Mejia Peng Regan
Congratulations to the following CEE faculty who received research seed grants in in 2021
College of Engineering Multidisciplinary
Seed Grants
Numerical Modeling of 3D Printable Concrete
Michael Hillman L L Robert and and and Mary L L Kimball Assistant Professor of of of of Civil and and and and and Environmental Engineering and and and and and Aleksandra Radlińska associate professor of of of of civil and and and and environmental engineering Institute
for Computational and Data
Sciences Seed Grants
Interpretable Machine Learning Methods for Road Crash Frequency Prediction
Vikash Gayah associate professor of of civil and environmental engineering An AI-Based Data-Driven Approach to Predict Infrastructure Condition from Multi-sensory Nondestructive Evaluation Data
Ilgin Guler assistant professor of of civil and environmental engineering Framework for Application of of Machine Learning in in in Multi- Objective Design Optimization of of Coastal Residential Buildings Under Multiple Natural Hazards
Ali Memari professor of of civil and and environmental engineering Bernard and and and Henrietta Hankin Chair in in in Residential Building Construction and and director of the Pennsylvania Housing Research Center Institutes of Energy and the Environment Seed Grants
Water Water Quality Assessment of an an an Urban Watershed in Lancaster Pa : Implications for Environmental Justice Lauren McPhillips assistant professor of of civil and environmental engineering Towards Sustainable and Equitable Household Water Security: Lessons from Bangladesh
Alfonso Mejia associate professor of of civil and environmental engineering Assessing Distributional Effects of Coal-Fired Power Plant Operations on on on on on Pollution and and and Health and and and Community Engagement and and and Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Direct Air Quality Research at at Industrial Sites near Pittsburgh Wei Peng assistant professor of of civil and and environmental engineering and international affairs
Effects of o of of of Biofilms on on the Transport of o of of of Microplastics John “Jay” Regan
professor of o of of of civil and environmental engineering Sustainability Institute
Seed Grant Green Stormwater Infrastructure: Design Maintenance and Location Impacts on on Biodiversity
Lauren McPhillips assistant professor of of civil and and environmental engineering 22
A full list of principal investigators investigators and co-investigators for each
project can be found at at at cee psu edu CEE NEWSLETTER • VOLUME 37 2021

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