Page 4 - ESM Connections: Penn State Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics 2020 newsletter
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Support ESM
Donations to to the department allow us to to continue our tradition of excellence by supporting current and and future world-class engineers leaders and and and innovators who can impact and and advance the well-being of global society Please remember ESM
this holiday season bit ly/esm-giving
Andrea Arguelles and Christian Peco receive
NSF grant
Andrea Arguelles assistant professor of of engineering science and and mechanics and and Christian Peco assistant professor of of engineering science and mechanics received
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a $500 000 National Science Foundation grant
to advance quality control methods for parts produced through additive manufacturing The grant
will support three years of experimental research and model development MORE >>
Charles Bakis honored by two national
Faculty news/honors/awards (cont ) Charles Bakis distinguished professor of of of engineering science and and mechanics and and director of of of the the Penn State Composite Materials Laboratory was selected for the the 2020 Wayne W W Stinchcomb Memorial Lecture and and Award
by the American Society for Testing and and Materials Materials Committee D30 on Composite Materials Materials He received
the the the award and presented the the the named lecture at at the the the 2020 What have you
been up to?
If you
have some exciting news you’d like to tell us about send it it it it our our way so we can share it it it it with our our community of alumni alumni and peers: alumnirelations@esm psu edu
Keep in in touch on our LinkedIn page too! bit ly/ESMGroup
American Society for Composites conference MORE >>
Alumni news Dennis Newton receives
Engineering Alumni Award
Dennis Newton (‘63 B S S ESC) was named the the recipient of the the the 2020 Outstanding
Engineering Alumni (OEA) Award
This award recognizes alumni of of of the the Penn State College of of of of Engineering who have reached exceptional levels of of of of professional achievement Established in in in 1966 the the the OEA Award
is is the the the highest honor bestowed by the the the College of Engineering Newton served as chief engineering test test pilot pilot for for for LearFan Limited and a a a a a a a a a a a a flight test test pilot pilot for for for the Federal Aviation Administration In 1987 he he he began working for for for The Boeing Boeing Company as an an an an an instructor pilot He spent 14 years at at at at Boeing Boeing holding numerous positions— production flight flight test test captain designating engineering representative flight flight test test pilot pilot and assistant chief pilot—before retiring in in in in in in 2003 Feng Guo receives
NIH Director’s New Innovator Award
Feng Guo (‘15 Ph D D ESMCH) recently received
the 2020 National Institutes of of Health (NIH) Director’s New Innovator Award
for for his research in in in in the development of of bioengineering technologies for for emerging translational applications in in in in in neural disorders and and cancer Using the funds from this award Guo and and his his research team will specifically focus on a a a a a a a a a a a a a project titled “An acoustofluidic
avidity cytometer for massive parallel profiling single autoreactive T cell in in in in autoimmune disease ” Guo is is is is currently an an an assistant professor of of of intelligent systems engineering at at at Indiana University Bloomington While earning his doctorate degree from Penn State Guo developed 3D acoustic tweezer and and acoustofluidics technologies for single cell manipulation and analysis Watch our new engineering science major video bit ly/penn-state-esm

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