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           asset tracking and logistics, warehouse management encompasses everything that happens in a                        3. Calculate the Storage Cube Size in the Warehouse
           warehouse. Whether they own one warehouse or several, businesses can control the entirety of
           their warehousing operations.                                                                                      While you started by calculating the total storage capacity of your warehouse in cubic feet, you

           Warehouse Utilization Management                                                                                   need to determine your actual storage cube size.  This requires you to measure the footprints of
                                                                                                                              each pallet rack and then calculate their total vertical storage capacity. Then, multiply the capacity
           Meaning: WarehouseUtilization Management measures and manages the efficiency with which the                        of each rack by the total number of warehouse racks you have to determine the true size of your
           warehouse uses its inventory storage capacity.                                                                     existing storage cube.

           As lean warehousing, cost-effectiveness, and increased efficiency and productivity become a way of                 4. Determine and Evaluate Your Warehouse Utilization Space
           life for warehouse professionals, maximizing space utilization is more critical than ever before. To
           create an effective warehouse design, you must optimize your space and layout. Saying that you’ve                  The final step is comparing your warehouse cube size to your inventory cube. Divide your inventory
           already organized your warehouse effectively is one thing; knowing that you’ve truly optimized                     cube by your storage cube to see how well you are utilizing your available storage space. Remember
           your space is another. That’s where accurately calculating your warehouse space utilization comes
           in.                                                                                                                to avoid using the total storage capacity of your warehouse because it is merely theoretical. You
                                                                                                                              need to use space for your racks, have empty space for workers and forklifts to operate, and allow
           Even though it’s a fairly straightforward process, many warehouse managers don’t take the time                     for efficient material handling.
           to calculate their warehouse space utilization because they convince themselves they simply don’t
           have enough space. In truth, many warehouses only use 20% of their space at any given time. To                     Ways to improve your warehouse utilization:
           calculate your warehouse space utilization so you can decrease costs, increase productivity, and
           improve your bottom line, follow are steps:                                                                        The Starting Point

           1. Calculate the Total Size of Your Warehouse                                                                      Quantify  your  storage  profile  in  terms  of  capacity  and  utilization.  Thoroughly  understand  the
                                                                                                                              flow and utilization of the current layout, including rack configuration, slotting/pick philosophy,
           One of the first mistakes warehouse managers make in calculating the size of their warehouses is                   receiving,  putaway,  replenishment,  inventory  management  and  packing  and  shipping.  Include
           using a blueprint and finding the total square footage. This method will not help you in optimizing                seasonal peak trends and a thorough volume analysis of inbound and outbound product flow.
           your warehouse because it does not account for office space or other areas that you cannot use for
           storage. Rather, you should use the total square footage as a starting point. Then, subtract square                Use Your Vertical Space
           footage used for office, restrooms, and other non-storage areas. Then, multiply your remaining                     Look up and make sure you’re using all the vertical space available. Investigate storage media to
           square footage by the warehouse space clear height to arrive at your storage capacity in cubic feet.               take advantage of your clear span height. How much cubic feet of vertical space is not being used?

           Warehouse space clear height is the distance from the finished floor of the warehouse to any overhead              Be sure to know how your design might impact your sprinkler design and fire code.
           object. Most warehouses are industrial shell buildings, so the clear height often is characterized as              Analyze Your Department Space
           the clear height to any steel; however, if your warehouse has suspending lighting, a fire protection
           system, or mechanical equipment, the clear height would be the distance from the warehouse floor                   Identify functions that do not require high ceilings in areas where lower stacking heights are dictated
           to the lowest overhead object. Warehouse managers must account for warehouse space clear height                    by the clear height. We often see unused overhead space where large departments like packing and
           because it impacts storage stacking height.                                                                        shipping are performed.

           2. Calculate Your Inventory Cube Size                                                                              Consolidate Locations

           Once you have calculated your warehouse storage capacity, or cube size, you need to determine                      If you have multiple locations for storing the same item, consider combining them to create better
           your inventory cube size. Keep in mind that your inventory cube size includes the racking areas                    warehouse space utilization. This can be done during the putaway process and as a standalone
           in which the inventory is stored. Use the storage area footprint to multiply the length and width of               function.
           racks by the height of the highest load in each area. Add this cubic volume for each area to arrive
           at your inventory cube size.
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