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           and so on. Manager must observe these reforms and innovative practices minutely and accordingly                    are more suitable when the economy is passing through recession phase as direct and short channels
           a suitable channel should be selected.                                                                             keep the selling price low.

           5. Factors Related to Competition:                                                                                 c. Legal Provision:

           Current and anticipated competition affects company’s decision on marketing channel. Relevant                      Government policies and legal provisions have direct or indirect implication on firm’s distribution
           competition-related aspects must be analyzed while selecting the channel.                                          activities.  Manager  must  identify  relevant  provisions  affecting  distribution  activities  and,
                                                                                                                              accordingly, an appropriate channel(s) should be selected. Taxes, charges, administrative procedures,
           Competition-related factors include:                                                                               restrictions, and other issues are worth noted in this regard.

           a. Intensity of Competition:                                                                                       d. Availability of Facilities:

           When  there  exists  a  severe  competition  in  the  market,  a  company  must  consider  competitor’s            Availability, costs, and quality necessary facilities play decisive role in channel selection. Facilities
           distribution strategies and practices while selecting marketing channels. In case of less competition,             like  transportation,  communication,  warehousing,  banking,  insurance,  supporting  government
           a company choice will be independent of competition.                                                               agencies at national and international level, degree of harmony among states of the country, and
                                                                                                                              relations among nations at large affect firm’s channel decisions.
           b. Response and Reactions of Competitors:
                                                                                                                              8.5 Channels of Distribution
           Reactions and response of the close competitors must be taken into account while deciding on
           distribution  channel. A  company  must  select  such  channels  that  can  help  availing  competitive            Channel of distribution refers to those people, institutions or merchants who help in the distribution
           advantages.                                                                                                        of  goods  and  services.  Philips  Kotler  defines  channel  of  distribution  as  “a  set  of  independent
                                                                                                                              organizations  involved  in  the  process  of  making  a  product  or  service  available  for  use  or
           c. Company’s Competitive Position in Market:                                                                       consumption”.

           A leader company can design its own distribution network. It can select a specific channel of                      Channels of distribution bring economy of effort. They help to cover a vast geographical area
           distribution as per its requirements. But, the follower companies have to follow market leader.                    and  also  bring  efficiency  in  distribution  including  transportation  and  warehousing.  Retailers,
           Their choice depends on leader’s practice.                                                                         Wholesalers are the common channels of distribution.

           6. Factors Related to Environment:                                                                                 Channels of distribution provide convenience to customer, who can get various items at one store.
                                                                                                                              If there were no channels of distribution, customer would have faced a lot of difficulties.
           Marketer  has  to  consider  overall  business  environment  while  deciding  on  marketing  channel.
           Domestic and global environmental forces have direct or indirect impact on company’s activities                    A distribution channel is a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which a good or service
           and operations.                                                                                                    passes  until  it  reaches  the  final  buyer  or  the  end  consumer.  Distribution  channels  can  include
                                                                                                                              wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and even the Internet.
           Main environmental forces that affect channel decision include:
                                                                                                                              Distribution channels are part of the downstream process, answering the question “How do we get
           a. Economic Condition of Country:
                                                                                                                              our product to the consumer?” This is in contrast to the upstream process, also known as the supply

           Country’s  economic  condition  affects  firm’s  operations.  In  economically  poor  countries,  short            chain, which answers the question “Who are our suppliers?”
           or direct channels are used to sell product at low price. In developing and developed countries,                   A distribution channel, also known as placement, is part of a company’s marketing strategy, which
           normally, indirect channels are used to distribute products.
                                                                                                                              includes product, promotion, and price.

           b. Phases of Trade Cycle:
                                                                                                                              Understanding Distribution Channels
           Phases of trade cycle, like recession, recovery, prosperity, etc., indicate the country’s economic                 A distribution channel is the path by which all goods and services must travel to arrive at the intended
           condition. Normally, in prosperity stage, long and indirect channels are used due to need for mass                 consumer. Conversely, it also describes the pathway payments make from the end consumer to
           distribution and willingness of people to pay high price for the product. Direct and short channels
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