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           Class 6: Toxic and Infectious Substances                                                                           9.3 SAFETY DATA SHEET

           This class has two divisions:                                                                                      A safety data sheet (SDS), material safety data sheet (MSDS), or product safety data sheet (PSDS)
                                                                                                                              is a document that lists information relating to occupational safety and health for the use of various
           Division 6.1                                                                                                       substances and products.

           Toxic substances, which are liable to cause death or injury or to harm human death if swallowed,                   •  An  SDS  (formerly  known  as  MSDS)  includes  information  such  as  the  properties  of  each
           inhaled or contacted by the skin.                                                                                     chemical;  the  physical,  health,  and  environmental  health  hazards;  protective  measures;  and
                                                                                                                                 safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical.
           Division 6.2

                                                                                                                              •  It provides guidance for each specific chemical on things such as:
           Infectious substances,  which  includes all those  substances  that are  infectious to  human  and/or
           animals, and includes micro-organisms and organisms, biological products, diagnostic specimens                     o  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
           and medical waste.
                                                                                                                              o  First aid procedures
           Class 7: Radioactive Material
                                                                                                                              o  Spill clean-up procedures
           Radioactive materials are articles or substances, which spontaneously and continuously emit certain
           types of radiation which can be harmful to health but which cannot be detected by any of the human                 the warehouse manager is still responsible for maintaining and updating manufacturer-specific
           senses.                                                                                                            SDS for workers.

           In this cluster the chief considerations are the article activity and the transport index (TI), which              •  SDSs can be stored electronically or as paper copies.
           is a single number, assigned to a cargo and is used to offer control of radiation exposure. It is also
           used to establish three categories for labeling which are:                                                         •  SDSs must be stored in a location that all staff can access during work hours (not behind a
                                                                                                                                 locked door or on a password-protected device to which they do not have the password).
           Category I White
                                                                                                                              •  SDSs must be stored in the work area (not far away or in another building).
           Articles with a Transport Index 0 and a maximum external radiation level of not more than 5 uSv/h.
                                                                                                                              •  If electronic copies are used, SDSs must still be available if the area loses electricity or internet
           Category II Yellow                                                                                                    access.

           Articles with a Transport Index more than 0 and less than 1, and the maximum external radiation                    o  Back-up options include:
           level more than 5 uSv/h, and less than 0,5 mSv/h .
                                                                                                                              •  A laptop with PDFs (or any electronic file type) on the local hard drive.
           Category III Yellow
                                                                                                                              •  PDFs downloaded onto a USB stick.
           Transport Index more than 1 and less than10, and the maximum external radiation level 2 mSv/h.
                                                                                                                              •  A computer with PDFs on the local hard drive that is hooked up to a battery back-up or plugged
           Class 8: Corrosives                                                                                                   into an outlet on a back-up generator (red outlets).

           Substances, which in event of leakage, can cause severe damage by chemical action when in contact                  All employees must be trained on how to read, understand, and access Safety Data Sheets. If the
           with living tissue or can materially damage other freight or the means of transport.                               lab employs both a primary means of SDS access and a back-up secondary means of access, both
                                                                                                                              methods should be covered during training.
           Class 9: Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods
                                                                                                                              The SDS follows a 16 section format which is internationally agreed and for substances especially,
           Articles and substances, which during air transport, present a danger not covered by other classes.                the SDS should be followed with an Annex which contains the exposure scenarios of this particular

                                                                                                                              substance. The 16 sections are:
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