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                                                                    Order 1
 Order 1                                                            Picker 1
 Picker 1

                                                                    Order 2
                                                                    Picker 1

 Order 1
 Picker 1

 The picker will first go and pick for order 1. After completing the order 1 he will complete order 2   Order 1
 and henceforth one by one for each order. The picker moves to collect the products necessary for   Order 2
 one order. This is a simple method of order picking which requires sending a picker around the   Picker 1
 warehouse with an order list and a box or container. The picker pulls each item, following the most
 efficient route. This method is used when the line items and quantity per order is less.
           Following factors need to be considered in determine whether to go for batch picking or individual

 Batch Picking  order picking Methodogy.

 In this method multiple orders are picked in one go.  Fox example warehouse receives 3 orders as   o  Percentage of orders that contain full cases. In case the percentage of orders consisting full orders
 under:       exceeds 50% the batch picking method is recommended. In case it is less than 25% the individual
              order method is recommended. For a share between 25 to 50% a hybrid or either system can be
                      SKU 1     SKU 2          SKU 3  used based on other criteria.

 Order 1  5  3  o  Line-item characteristics of the orders. If sixty percent and more orders have line items of 5 and
              less it is recommended to go for individual order system.
 Order 2  3  8
           There are two more methods of picking as under:
 Order 3  2  4  4
           Wave Picking
 7  7  15
           Wave picking is a process that combines discrete and batch picking together.  Set of similar orders
 In Batch picking, the picker instead of picking each order individually, we pick in bulk. He will pick   are picked and fulfilled in scheduled time frames or in waves. Real-time orders are downloaded as
 7 units each or SKU1 and 2 and 15 units of SKU3. After doing the bulk picking, he will then divide   they are received. Orders accumulated for specific picking times and transport routes are called
 into individual orders.  ‘waves’. The warehouse manager decides how the wave of the orders to be released depending upon

           the load factor. Waves generally have orders with similar SKUs or in close proximity or could have
 This method is common when pickers must travel long distances to assemble orders. This method
 is commonly used when the quantity and number of line items are large. All the orders received till   similar shipping deadline. Wave picking is commonly used in E-comerce industry for fulfilling
 a particular cut off are collated and all SKU pertaining to these set of orders are picked in batches   customer orders.
 and brought to the staging area. The picked SKUs are then divided into individual order manually
 or using techniques like Put to Light.
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