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 o  All details must be entered into system once goods are returned clearly mentioning as to why   IMPORTANCE OF QUALITY CHECK
 goods are returned back.

           1.  Encourages quality awareness
 o  Stock should be updated when the returned goods are taken back into the stock.
           2.  Satisfaction of customers
 Returns are a crucial part of any business. A systematic process must be in place which records the   3.  Decrease in production cost
 whole transaction and credit process accurately.
           4.  Optimum utilization of resources
 5.1.9 Value-Adding
           5.  Decrease in inspection costs
 In this section products are kitted, assembled, relabeled, modified, graded or subject to some other   6.  Better goodwill
 value adding process. The value adding part is about performing work on the product to make it   7.  Increase in enthusiasm of employees
 ‘ready for sale’.
           8.  Better employer - employee relations
 This can be a complex process especially when too many items are clubbed to form a new item.   9.  Improved ways and methods of manufacturing
 Complexity around handling value-adding processes and the changing nature of component prod-
 ucts in and out of shelf locations can be daunting. Over the years, systems have evolved to assist, yet   10. Proper advertisement
 there are many companies that find recording of value-adding components may be incompatible   11. Ease the process of price fixation
 with how the logistics system or conventional ERP or WMS have been set up.
           12. Higher sales
 Quality check is a process of testing the units and ascertaining if they are within the guidelines for
 the final product. The main reason of the testing is to ascertain if any corrective measures to be ad-  The Delivery note or Dispatch note is a document that goes with the cargo after they are loaded into
 opted in the manufacturing of item. Good quality check always ensures to meet consumer demands   the truck. It is a mandatory document in business operations in many countries. This document is
 and deliver better quality products.  prepared by the supplier dispatch department before sending the cargo to the customer. It contains
           important details about the order placed and other important order details. The delivery note con-
 NEED OF QUALITY CHECK  tains the details of quantity placed and not the value of the goods, because many a times the supplier
           does not want to take the risk of disclosing his product prices to the forwarder or any other party
 1. To maintain the desired quality standards which are agreeable to the consumers.   involved in movement of goods.

 2. To find out errors or inaccuracies in the raw materials and the manufacturing system in order to   Dispatch notes are very helpful to the buyers because they can track their order with the help of it,
 have a smooth and continuous production.   at the same time equally beneficial to the seller as well. Whenever a buyer is not satisfied with the
           receipt of product, he attaches the delivery note or the invoice reference number to the item before
 3. To analyze the systems and processes of production and suggest if any improvements required in   returning the shipment.
 their functioning.
           Two copies of delivery note are prepared. One is sent to the accounts department to prepare the
 4. To analyze and find out up to what extent deviation in quality of a product during manufacturing   invoice for the customer and another is kept with the dispatch department for their records. No
 is there.   invoice can be raised without the present of delivery note.

 5. To study in detail the reasons for such deviation.   In International Trade this is a mandatory document especially when the product is send through

 6. To take such steps which help in achieving the desired benchmarked quality of a product.  trucks, but at times it may be replaced with the packing list as well. But many a times packing list
           does not suffice the requirements, hence it is always advisable to use the delivery note when the
           cargo leaves the warehouse. Packing list can be an additional document which can be given to cus-
           tomer upon request.
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